The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 675

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. PsA1.Ms 18, 19, Bcox I. Called Lum but none replied. 43 I shook like dust to wind, I trod like dirt in streets! S1·ANzA g. 44 You freed from men opposed, You made me chief of Tribes, And hands I knew not served ; 45 Unhearing ears now hear, The Sons of strangers praise, The Sons of strangers yield, And creep from hiding dens! Suuza zo. Live LORD, You are my Rock, Exalt my GOD who saved I The GOD who gave success; And them beneath me placed. Yesl who released from foes, Though higher placed than I, Who freed from treacherous men I Srnzza 11. I sing the LORD to Nations, And chant Psalms to His name; The King’s victorious Tower, Who shows His sanctioned kindness, With David’s Heir for aye! PSALM 19. 1 To his Bandmaster. IO Il 'Qg Qaiiiii. STANZA I. The Heavens declare the power of GOD, And Space proclaims His forming hand ; Day utters speech to day, Night whispers news to night l There is no speech or tongue, Where their voice is not heard. To all lands they bring hope, The whole World hears their speech. S*rANzA 2. The Sun has there a Tent ;-· And comes to seek his bride, To run his course, a happy youth, He starts from distant skies And whirls their full extent, And nought can hide his heat. How perfect are your laws, O LIFE! They guide the mind aright. S1·ANzA 3. The plans of Gon are right, They make the heart rejoice, The LORD's commands support, More than the eyes can see. The LORD intends perfection, The LORD decrees for aye, Uniting True and Right. Worth more than gold refined, More sweet than honey drops. 676
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