The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 678

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. Boon: I. PSALMS 22, 22A, g3. I can count all my bones. They strain and stare at me, Amongst them share my clothes, And for my robe cast dice; Suuzlm 5. But you, LGRD, are not far, My Gon! Oh, haste to help! My life guard from the sword, My darlings from the dog. Save from the Liou’s mouth, Protect from tossing horns.; And then I’ll tell my friends Your name, And thank among the crowd. PSALM 22A. Look on the Loma and praise; Al1Jacob’s race extol, An Israe1's race adore. The grieved He neither scorned nor loathed, Nor hid His face from us, .But when we cried He heard. In crowds I thank for this, Pay vows with those who fear. The poor shall eat and feed, Who seek the Loan give thanks. Revive your hearts for aye; Reflect, and uust the Loki). The whole land bows to you, With all the Pagan Tribes; Because the LORD is King, He o'er the Heathen rules. They all shall eat, and bow All great on earth to Him, And all kneel in the dust, Or their life will not live. A race shall serve to us, The prince declares to me, Who goes and tells His plans To men as yet unborn. PSALM 23. Q ¥salut nf Qalrib. Srauza x. My Loan attends ;--1 shall not want ;-—· He lets me rest in verdant Eelds, He leads me by the pleasant brooks, He brings me back, my life refreshed, To skip with joy, and praise His Name. Sranza 2. Though I may walk through Death's dark Vale, I fear no hurt, for You are there, Your rodand staE direct my way. Srauza 3. You spread my board before my foes, With Howiug cup have oiled my head. 679 18 21 zz 26 28
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0678

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