Boox I.
Psnms 30, 3:.
But His kindness remains for a life.
In the evening He may bring me tears,
But enjoyment at dawn!
I exclaimed in my ease, I shall never be moved,
You LORD, in Your kindness, had fixed my Hill firm.
But You hid Your Presence, and I became weak!
To you Loki) I cry, and to you Loxm I pray,
What profits my blood, if I sink in a ditch ?
Can the dust give You praise or report of Your truth?
Hear, Loan, and have pity, be helpful to me.
My grief You have turned to a dance,
Stripped my sackcloth, and girt me with joy.
I therefore will chant to Your glory,
Nor be dumb to jmrovan my Gon,
But thank You for ever and ever.
1 To his Bandmaster.
jl jilsnlm bg Qnliiif.
I trust to You Loan, without shame;
To Your goodness I always can fly.
Bend your ear to me, then, from on high,
Become my Deliverer, a tower of strength,
And a fortified house to preserve !
For you are my.Fortress, and rock,
So lead me andgguide by Your power.
Release from the net they have spread ;-··
For You are my Guardian alone.
My breath to Your hand I resign,
So redeem me O LORD GOD of Truth.
Srmza 2.
I have hated the teachers, of empty ideas,
And my trust I have placed in the LORD,-·
In Your mercy I joy and am glad.
Because You have looked on my griefs,
And known of the woes of my life,
Give not up to the hand of my foe,
But set on my feet, in the plain.
Smnza 3.
O l pity me, LORD -—for my sorrows,
My body, and soul, and my sight waste with grief,
For by anguish my life is consumed,
And _my years areexhausted in sighs;
By sufferings the strength of my body decays.
I became to my tyrants a jest,
To my neighbours 21. grief, and a dread to my friends,
Who saw mein public and fled!
I’m forgot, as the dead from their heart,
Pin become like a vessel disused,
For I heard the abuse of the mob,
Who conspi·red_around about me,
And plotted to capture my life.
Sranze. 4.
But I have relied upon You,
For, O Llras, You are truly my Gon.
In Your hand is my fate ;--set me free