The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 693

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

I0 H II Book I. Psnms 41, 41A, 4m, 42. PSALMS. And give not to thc wish of his foes. Loma! support him when sick ouhis bed; And in illness make pleasant his ccuch. PSALM 41A. Suxwzs 1. I entreat, Loan, have pity on me;

Heal my soul though I sinned against You. My foe says,-—“ It goes hard with him; He will die and his memory fade. And if on a visit he comes, Deception he speaks from his heart; His malice he feeds in himself, Goes out, and then spreads it abroad. All my enemies whisper together, All who hate me combine for my hurt. He is loaded with crimes, When he falls he will not rise again I ' Srauza ‘2. Yet that man was my most trusted friend; He has kicked me who ate of my bread ; So have pity, O LORD, upon me, And raisethat I , may regay him ;— By which I shall know; at You love, When o’er me my foes cannot shout. And You hold me up in my right, And Bx me for ever near·'You. PSALM 4rn. 3 Ghums nr Qnxningg. Let Israel bless the Lrvme Gon for evet, And ever, and foraye! Amen and still Amen. Emi or um Fmstr Boox or Psxtus. THE SECON D BOOK OF PSALMS. CONTAINING SELECT SONGS BY VARIOUS CHORISTERS AND POETS. PSALM 42. To the Bandmaster. 3 Rzhilniion nnhrzsszh in the Ubnrislzrs. Sranza 1. As pants a Hart for rippling brooks, So pants my soul my Gov for You. My soul is thirsting for my Gov: I No·rz.·-·The 41st Psalm of the ordinary ancient transcriber. Iconsequently separate notation is clearly three distinct anthems, of $h€!D.——F. F. entirely distinct character, confused by some 094

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