The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 695

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. PsAx.M 44. Boon II, PSALM 44. 1 T0 the Conductor of the Choristcrs. 10 II I2 1·6 18 20 2I A gilzhilalintt. STANZA 1. THE GENERAL. Ol Gon, we have heard with our ears, Our Fathers relating to us, The wonders You did in their days, In the days of old times, When your hand drove the Heathen away, And you punished and flung out vile tribes. For they seized not the land by their sword, And their own arm did not save. themselves, But Your right hand and arm, And the light of Your face, for You loved. STANZA 2. Tim TROOPS. And You are our Leader, and GOD, Who orders for jacob success. Our opponents through You we defeat, And who rise, wevderthrow by Your NAME. THE GENERAL. For I rely not on my bow, And victory comes not from my sword; But from our assailants You save, And make those whohate us to fail. Let us cheer to our GoD all the day, And for ever give praise to His N AME. STANZA 3. THE TRoo1>s. Will You now rejectand disgrace And not with our armies go out P Would You now turn us from our foes, And let those who hate us rejoice? Will You Ietus be eaten like sheep, And for Pagans to chase like a storm ? Will You sell Your People for naught And make no wealth out of their price? Will You set us a scorn to our friends, To our neighbours a laughter and mock? Will You set us a proverb to Pagans, And to Peoples a shaking of head ? THE GENERAL. All day put dishonour before me, And cover my face with disgrace ? At the voice of Derision and Libel, In the face of my foe, unrevenged? STANZA 4. THE TROOPS. All this comes, tho` we have not forsook, Or not to your Treaty been false; We have not turned away in our hearts, Nor bent jour steps out of Your path, Yet we fall in a den -ful-l of snakes, And are wrapped in the Shadow of Death l Had we forgotten the name of our GOD, 696
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