.,— 21 22 Smrzza 2. Guard me, my Gon, from the hand of the bad, From the clutch of the vile, and malign, For, ALMIGHTY, I hoped upon You, I trusted on You from my youth. I leaned upon You from my birth, From my mother’s breast, You were always my home, And to You I will always give thanks. To the crowd I appeared as a wonder, For You had endowed me with power, So my mouth shall be full of Your praise, All the day giving honour to You. Oh, cast me not off in the time of my age, Nor forget when my vigour decays, When against me my enemies speak, And Companions lie wait for my life. We will chase, And seize him without an escape. Sranzn 3. Go not far from me, O GOD; My Goo, to assistme, make haste; Shame and disgrace those who shoot at my life, And who would do wrong, clothe in insult and scorn, But let me continually hope, And publish Your praises afar! Sranza 4. My mouth shall Your goodness declare, And the comforts You give every day, For have I not their full number known? O Loan, I march on by Your might; Your goodness, O LIFE I record, You have taught me, O Gon from my birth, And till now I Your wonders proclaim. Gon, forsake not my age, and grey hairs, Till I tell of Your arm to this time, And your grandeur to all that may come; Your righteousness, GOD, to the Heights, And what the great things You have done. Srnzza 5. O Gon! Who is equal to You, Who showed me abundant distress, But then led me back to my life, And brought from the depths of the earth! My greatness increased, and gave ease, So I sing of Your truth to the lute, I chant to You, Gon; on the harp, And my lips Isnaaus How extol. I chant You with the soul You redeemed, My tongue daily Your kindness relates, How they fall to contempt who had sought for my hurt! PSALM 72. 3D1? Sulnnum. STANZA 1. GOD, Your justice give to the King, Your Righteousness to the King’s Son, To govern Your People with Right, And justice to give to Your poor. 7 1 8