you shall put before them : A servént shall servo six years’ servitude, and in the seventh he shall go out to free- dom. If he is single, he shall go out single; if he has a wife, his wife shall go out with him. But if his master has given him a. wife, and she has borne sons or daughters to him, the wife and her childrenmvhich she has borne shall belong to the master, and he shall go away single. If, however, the servant says, ‘I like my master, my wife, and my children} he shall not go into freedom; but his master shall present him to the magistrates, and station him at the door, or at the door·posts, and his master shall pierce his ear with an awl, and he shall serve continuously. Ealn nf marriage. ‘ If a man sells his daughter to be
a mother, she should not ge as if going into slavery. If she is not pleasing in the eyes of her master, when he has not known her, then he shall free her to her own people with- out a payment; he shall not have power to sell her because of his treachery to her. But if she has borne a child to him, then he shall treat her according to the law about wives. If he takes another to. her, he
shall not diminish her share for clothing, and conjugal rights. And if a third to these, be shall not send her away destitute, without money} `@nlu at gilurhzr. ‘ Whoever assails a man and he
dies ;-—·-He shall be put to death. But if he did not lie in wait, but his stroke came from Gob, then you shall provide a place where he may fly. If, however, a man plans against his neighbour to murder him; then you shall take him from My altar to kill him. ‘ And whoever assaults his father or his mother; He shall be killed. Whoever steals a man and sells him; when he is caught he shall be put to death. Whoever curses his father or x7 mother; he shall be put to death. And when men contend, and a
man assaults his neighbour with a stone or a clod, but he does not die, yet is reduced to his bed, if he re- covers and can walk out upon his crutch, and he escapes from the injury, except his loss of time, he shall be compensated, and the phy· sician paid for his cure. ‘ And if a man strikes his slave, or
his maid-servant, with his stick and he dies under his hand, they shall be avenged. Yet if these continue a day, or some clays, they shall not be avenged, for they were his property. ‘And when two persons quarrel,
and they strike a pregnant woman, and her child comes out, and mis- chief does not ensue; he shall be fined, according to what is laid upon him to compensate the woman, and that shall be fixed by the judges. But if mischief ensues, you shall inflict life for life: eye for eye; tooth for tooth; hand for hand; foot for foot: mark for mark: mutilation for mutilation: wound for wound: blow for blow. ‘ And if any man strikes his slave
in the eye, so that his eye becomes blind, heshall let him go free instead of his eye. ‘And if a tooth from his slave, so
that the tooth is destroyed, in com- pensation he shall set him free, instead of his tooth. ‘ And if a bullock butts a man and
the man dies, you shall stone the bullock, and not eat of its flesh, but destroy the bullock for nothing. But if the bullock were accustomed to butt formerly, and his owner knew it, and did not guard it, and it kills a man, or a woman, the, bulloclr shall be stoned and the owner put to death. But if a fine is laid upon him, he
shall pay it, and his life be free from all, because of the nne laid upon him. Whether a man or a woman is butted, it shall be done according to this decree. ‘ If a slave man or woman is butted
by an bullock, thirty shekels of silver shall be given to their master, and the bullock be stoned. 18 20 21 22 26 28 ‘§atus at Qrrihrttis sith Ebzftz. ‘And if a man opens a well, or 33 digs a well, and does not cover it, 74