Proverbs of Solomon - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 791

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

THE PROVERBS OF S O L O M O N . BOOK THE SECOND. Ely: £axim sf Salaam:. 10 A wise son makes his father glad, A foolish son his mother grieves. The gifts of Fortune cannot help But Righteousness defends from death. {he 1:.0Rp sterqes not the gighteous soul, but checks the bad ma.u’s iust. The careless hand produces want, The diligent makes wealth. A prudent man will reap in summer; A sou of shame will sleep in harvest I Blessings crown the righteous head, Shame clothes the face of crime. The memory of the Good is blest, The fame of Bad will rot I The wise in heart obey commands, A jabbering fool revolts! Who_ walks honestly, goes safely; Who twists his ways, will be shunned I Who winks his eye will give ofence; And the jabbering fool repels. The mouth of the Good is a. living spring, But the face of the Bad hides crime. Hatred awakes contentions; But Love conceals oience. Wisdom Ends the lips of Redection, But the rod, the back of a fool! The wise man stores up knowledge, But the fool’s mouth opens his breast! The rich man’s wealth is his fort; Their poverty wrecks the poor. The wages of Virtue are Life; The product of sin is Sudering. Correction guards the path of Life, Who rejects correction strays. Who wraps up hate has lying lips, Who spreads slander is a fool I Danger lurks in many words, So the prudent shuts his lips. 7 9 ‘ I0

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Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0791

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