Proverbs of Solomon - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 795
The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers
Ho guards his life, who checks his mouth.The wicked lipped kills himself!The idler longs, while his body starves,But the active body will thrive.The righteous hate falswspeakiug,But the wicked revile and libel.Righteousness keeps a straight-on course,But wickedness turns to sin.Some men seem rich, but have nought,Or pretend to be poor, with wealth.A man’s life can be ransomed by wealthBut the poor man hears no threats.The light of the righteous shines,But the lamp of the wicked dickers.The vanity Ofmpride makes strife,But wisdom possesses prudence.Small losses diminish wealth,It increases by small additions.Hope deferred makes a man’s heart sick:But a wish attained is a tree of life IHe is bound by a pledge who breaks it-;But who attends to the lawhas peace.Wisdom's rules are a well of life ;To the rejector, snares of death.Good conduct procures us favour,But the path of traitors is hard.All the clever act with caution,But the foolish displays his folly.The agent of sin will hud trouble,But honesty’s agent is safe.Instruction scorned, brings want and shame,But correction regarded ,—honour.To attain our wish is sweet to the mind,So fools hate to abandon sin.Walk with the wise, and be wise,But the company of fools corrupts.Sudering follows the wicked,But benefit salutes the good.Grandchildren succeed the good,But the bad store wealth for the just.Digging for springs increases food,Yet some fail for want of judgment.Who spares the rod will spoil his child,But affection corrects him early.The good eats to feed his life,But the belly of the bad for greed.The wise wives build up their house,But the foolish pull down with their hands.The honest walk in the fear of the Loxw,But those of bad habits, despise.795I0I II2