A ta1c—bearer’s words like dainties,
G0 down to the st0mach’s depths.
Who idles over his work,
Is akin to the reckless wastcr.
The name ofthe LORD is a. tower of strength;
The good run to it, and are safe.
The wealth of the rich is his castle,
And a lofty wall is his fancy!
Before a smash, man’s heart is high;
But humility goes before honour.
To give an answer before you hear,
Is a.bsurd,——and reproach to yourself.
A man’s spirit sustains his wound ;
But a broken spirit, who can bear?
A prudent man acquires knowledge,
And the ears of the wise seek learning.
The gift of e man gains way,
And brings him before the great.
The Plaintiff is right in his cause,
Till the Defendant comes on to examine,
Wagers are laid on the die,
But cause quarrels among the strong.
A brother wronged is more than a castle,
His contentions like bars of a fort.
A man’s belly is Glled by the fruit of his mouth,
He is fed by the fruit of his lips.
Death and life are in the tongue’s power,
And its lovers will eat its fruit.
Who finds a wife, finds what is a. good,
But a risky gift from the LORD !
The poor man's words are petitions,
But the rich man speaks with power.
A man of companions is ruined ;
A friend sticks more fast than a brother.
Prefer a poor man going straight,
To a tricky rogue, tho' rich.
An ignorant soul is not happy,
For that urges the feet to sin.
A man’s vices pervert his course,
Then his heart kicks against the Loeb.
Wealth secures us many friends,
But companions depart from the poor.
A false witness will not be guiltless,
Nor a spouter of lies escape.
1 Nora.-Ch. xg. v. 1. This is the reading of
various Hebrew MSS. and ofthe same maxim
when repeated in Ch. 26, v. 6, and is evidently,
by its clear point, what Solomon wrote. But
the common reading of the A.V. and R.V. is,
Better is the poor that walketh in his
integrity, than he that is perverse in his ”
lips and is a fo0l.’
Which, by the large addition of words to
bring out even its vague meaning, is shown
to be a scribe’s error in the ordinary Hebrew
printed copies. I have consequently adhered
to the MSS. readings, which give a vigorous
sense without need for me to add. a word to
the epigram.·-F. F.