Proverbs of Solomon - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 806

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

91-22 PROVERBS. 22 26

28 22 I0 I!

22-x 3

Skill can assail a town of heroes, And reduce its strongest fort. Who can keep his mouth and his tongue, Keeps the fortress containing his soul. He is called an insolent bully, Who acts in his ruliian fury. ®rt il}: 3sHg ef Shlmzss. The desire of the idle kills him, For his hands refuse to work, He longs all day for his wish, While the honest work and want not. Eb: 3’¤l1g at itusrulz. The offering of sinners disgusts, For they bring it with evil intent. A witness for falsehood will stammer, But a man who has heard, speaks firm. A bully is bold in his face, But the honest is calm before him. No skill, and nounderstanding, Or counsel can fight with the LORD. Train the horse for the time of war ; Yet the victory comes from the Lom). Gu Qmlrznrz mth Gnnimci nf life. A good name is choicer than wealth; Good repute than much silver and gold. The rich and the poor mix together, For the LORD is the Maker of them all. The prudent sees dangerand hides, The foolish go on and suffer. The Lord has provided reward for the meek, With riches, honour, and life. The sullen has a thousand traps on his road, But who keeps his temper is free. Train a child in the way he should go; He will not desert it when old. The rich rule over the poor; And the borrower serves the lender. Who sows for sin, will misery reap, And the staff of his passions will break. The beneiicent eyed will be blessed, For he gives his bread to the needy. Expel a scoffer, and quarrelling goes; And strife and abuse will depart. The lover of a pure kind heart, Has a_ royal friend at his lips. The eyes of the Loan guard knowledge; And defeat the plans of the villain. A lion’s outside l I am sure to be killed in the streets! 806
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0806

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