Proverbs of Solomon - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 808

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PROVERBS. 23 ~g8 23-6 ®u Einiuiiiizrg `§¤sis.

Eat not the bread of the grudge: And desire none of his sweets; He is like the thoughts of his soul : to eat and to drink! Yet his heart is never with yours. You will vomit the mouthful you eat, Amd be sick of your pleasant discourse. ®n ibn $¤I1g of @rging in @2ach Suuls. IO Ii

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zz 22 26 28 Speak not to the ears of a fool, Who despises instructive discourse. ®z: §uur¤tg. The ancient landmark remove not, Nor encroach on the orphan’s land, For their Defender has power, And conducts their defence against you. Qllvirirz is §§urenis. Present your heart to instruction, And your ears to the teachings of fact, Refrain not correcting your child, Whom the strokes of a rod will not kill. You can flog him yourself with a rod, And rescue his life from the grave. Qu 2\l’P2s1 in iii: 5m:.

My son! if your heart will be wise, My heart will beglad,-eyes, my own !—-·· And the depths of my breast will exult, When I hear of your lips speaking right. And let not your heart envy sinners; But be always in fear of the LORD,-— For a future condition is certain, Therefore out not yourself from your hopes. So listen, my son, and be wise, And proceed with your heart in my way. Go not with deep drinkers of wine, Nor join in their riotous feasts, For the drunkard and glutton make poor, And sleeping will clothe you in rags. So attend to the father who got you, And despise not your mother when old. Buy Truth, and sell it not again, With Wisdom, Instruction, and Sense. For the father of the good will be glad, Who has a wis son can rejoice. Make your father and mother content, That they may be glad you were born. 3 Warning against litre. My son! give your heart up to me, And let your eyes look on my ways, For a loose woman is a deep ditch, And a whore is a pit of distress; For she lies in wait for her, plunder, And increases the vices of men. 808

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0808

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