Proverbs of Solomon - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 815

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PROVERBS. 33...5


Bad men understand not justice ; But who seek the LGRD understand. More happy the poor honest man, Than one of bad habits, though rich. A prudent son will regard the law, But the friend of the vicious degrades his father. Who gets rich by extortion and fraud, Collects for the kind to the poor. Who turns his ear from hearing the law, His prayer itself is an offence. Who leads the honest to evil paths, Will fall to that pit himself; But the upright inherit success. In his own eyes the rich is wise, But the sensible poor expose him. When the good are crowned, there is cheering When the bad succeed, men will hide ! Who conceals his sin, does not prosper; Who confesses and leaves it, has mercy. The man who fears is safe, But the rash falls into danger. A roaring lion, and hungry bear, A bad ruler is to the poor. An oppressive prince is senseless; But who hates to tax, prolongs his days. A man who is guilty of murder, Flies to a pit that cannot hide. Who acts honestly is safe; But crooked ways soon fail. He has plenty of bread who tills his land, But is poor indeed who follows delusions. A faithful man has many blessings; But who hastes to be rich, will suffer. False pretences are not good, Nor to sin for a mouthful of bread. A greedy man runs after wealth, Nor reflects that want may come. Who corrects men, like me, Ends favour, Far more than a flattering tongue. Who thinks to rob father and mother not wrong, Has joined with the men of Destruction. A greedy mind incites to contend,

But who trusts on the Loup will prosper. Who relies on his heart is a fool, But who walks by experience is safe. He who gives to the poor will not want, Who averts his eyes will be cursed. When the bad succeed, men hide; But the good increase, when they perish. A man when reproved, who stiffens his neck, When broken will find no help. 81 5 I0 I I I2 16 :8 20 21

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Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0815

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