Proverbs of Solomon - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 817

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

30~—1 in

PROVERBS. 80·-15 8** THE SPEECHES OF AGUR—BEN-JAKEH; THE RIGHTEOUS; THE MESSAGE HE DELIVERED TO THE ATHEIST AND WASTER. Though I am but an ignorant man, And have not the genius of Adam; Although I have never learnt Wisdom, N or know ofthe science Divine, Of who mounts the skies and descends, Who gathers the wind in his grasp, Who spreads out the seas like a sheet, Who Bxes the bounds of the earth, What is His Name ? and the name of His Son ?~· D0 you know ? Rely on the promise of Gov, He shields all who trust upon Him, Add nothing to what He commands. Lest for falsihcation you suHer. Wha Qzsirz sf the Wise. I will ask two things from you, Take them not from me till death, Move delusion and falsehood afar, Nor poverty give me, nor wealth, But feed with the bread that I need, Not full, for fear I forget, Te11 me, Who is the LORD? ‘ Or I become poor, and should steal, And rebel at the name of my Gob. ,3hirirz as in ®mrhnzf. To his Master, accuse not a servant, Lest he curse you, and you are in wrong. ®xt @2;xrahiig mth Emtrzii. There is an age that curses its fathers, And that cares not its mothers to bless; An age in its own eyes perfect, But never cleansed from its filth l An age,·-——h0w haughty its glances I And its eyelids,—-—how lifted up l An age;-with swords for its teeth, And for its jaw-teeth,-·-sharp knives, To devour the weak of the earth, And the wretched among mankind. ®u Grub. Lust possesses two daughters, Givel Give! There are three that are never glutted, I) _g 317 I0


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Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0817

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