Book of Job - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 825

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

5-7 ]OB.


But man himself causes his grief, As the children of fiamc iiy upright! For myself I should cry out to GOD, T0 th’ ALMxGHTY present my address, Who does great and unsearchable things, And wonders unnumbered are His! Who gives min to the mouth of the earth, Sends the brooks on the face of the meads ; Who raises the lowly on high, And saves the depressed by His power; Who frustrates the plans of the rogues So their hands camuot work out their wish ; Who captures the skilled by their craft, Arid baffles their villainous schemes, So that darkness o’ershadows their day, And at noontide they grope as at night; Thus He rescues the weak from their mouth, And the wretched from clutch of their hand I So therefore the weak have a hope, And Iniquity closes her mouth l But blest is the man GOD corrects! So despise not th' ALM1ou*rY’s reproof ! For He grieves us, and He can console; He breaks us, but His hand can heal; He will save you six times from distress, And in seven the woe will not touch; In famine will free you from death, And in war from the hand of the sword ; He will hide from the lash of the tongue, Yes, unrnoved at Destructiorrs approach, You can laugh at Destruction and death, And fear not the beast of the field. With the stones on the plain you make league While the beasts of the field are your friends, And you know that your tent is secure, And muster your folds, and miss none. You will know that your seeds will increase And grow like the grass from the ground E You will go in old age to the tomb, As the corn~stack s piled at its time. These we have proved--they are sure! Attend! And instruct your own yourself l §¤lr’s llrplig tu fhlipljag. But job replied, and said : Who will carefully weigh out my grief, And poise all my woes in the scale P For they outweigh the sand of the sea, (My words have in consequence weight). I am pierced by the ALM1oH’1:v’s darts, Whose poison my spirit drinks up, And against me all GOD’S terrors fight. Does the zebra bray over the grass? Does the ox bellow over his food ? Can the tasteless be ate without salt? What flavour has white of an egg? What myself would refuse to have touched, In my sickness is offered as food ! Who will help me to gain my request? Will GOD ever give me my hope ? And crush me at last to my joy 2 82 5 II I2 I6 IS 20 21 22 26
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0825

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