Book of Job - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 828

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

9--24 ]OB. 8-17 ‘ O’er his garden he spreads out his boughs, His roots are deep down in a hill, And tighten their grip round the rocks; 18 But if he is tom from his place It denies him with, ‘ I know you not! See 1 That is the joy of his course! Yet others will spring from his dust. zo But Gon casts not the upright away, Nor strengthens the hand of the bad. 2r He could yet fill your mouth with delight, And make you exult with your lips,


And clothe all your haters in shame ;~— But the tentsof the wicked collapse! myc Sanuk itzpig nf ink. 9 job, however, responded, end said: IO II I2 16 18 20 2I 22 I acknowledge that it is a truth That no man can be just before GOD. If one wished to contend against Him, Not one in a thousand could speak. Wisehearted, Almighty in Force, Who can resist him with success Who casts down the hills unawares, And o’erwhelms in His anger and wrath. Who shakes the land out of its place, And makes the supports of it rock; At whose order the sun would not shine, And He even can seal up the stars! Who only can stretch out the skies, And walk on the waves of the seal Who made the fixed star of the North, The Bright·way and the Halls of the South : Who does great and inscrutable things, And wonders that no one can count! He passes! But I see Him not! He flits by, and I do not perceive I When He snatches—-who then can resist? Who can say to Him-—·what would You do ? GOD turns not away from our wrath ; To Him the proud giants must bow. Then how could I answer to Him? Or against Him arrange all my thoughts? Were I right I could never debate, But must humbly entreat to my judge. If I called, and He answered to me, Am I sure He would list to my voice? Who sweeps me as though with a storm, And strikes me with wounds without cause; Who hinders me drawing my breath, Who has gorged me with bitterest griefs; As- to Power ?—I-Iow mighty He is! As for right ?——Wh0 dare witness for me? Am I righteous P-My mouth would convict; Am I honest ?-·—I may be deceived! I am honest! Know I not my soul? And yet I despise my own life! But this I assert as a fact, He destroys both the good and the bad. He kills as with some sudden lash, And laughs at the victims who shriek l Gives the earth to the hand of the bad, 828
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0828

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