T he Upright and just are despised I Those resting in light scom a lamp, Which is prized by those feeling their steps. Yet the tents of the pluuderers prosper, And GOD makes the m&a¤s secure; And GOD brings the wealth to the stores Of those whose sole god is their power l Even ask of the beasts to instruct, And the birds of the skies to inform, Or the weeds of the enrth who can teach, Or the tish of the sea to relate, Such rubbish as yours, who knows not? F or the hand ofthe LORD has done this, In Whose hand is the breath of all life, With the soul that resides in each man. But cannot the ear taste of words, As the palate distinguishes food ? That the old man is wise And that those of long days understandf Yet with Him reside wisdom and power, With Him are reiiection and thought. Look! He throws down, and none can rebuild, Shuts up, and no man can release; He holds back the waters-they Hy He releases;-—·and then the land Hoods! Both Strength and Perfection are His, His are the Oppressor, and Oppressed! He leads the contrivers to plunder; But yet makes their punishment shine I He expands the dominion of kings, And girdles their loins with might ; But yet lets the priesthoods be captured, And the mightiest He overwhelms ! From the eloquent, He takes the lip, And deprives the old men of their sense; On princes He pours out contempt, And loosens the belt of the great! Uncovers the depths of the gloom, Brings light to the shadow of death; He nations exalts and depresses; Or the nations extends and they last; Yet takes sense from the heads of the earth, And they wander in wastes without paths, They grope in the dark without light, And they stagger like men who are drunk. IO I I I2 x6 x8 20 2I 22