Book of Job - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 838

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

20-1o 21--9 [0 I I I2 16 18 20 22 26 28 JOB. And he never returns to his place ! His children shail Hatter the low, And their hands will repay for his sin. His vices will fill up his bones, And with him lie down in the dust! Tho' vice has been sweet to his taste, Ccnceaiing it under his tongue; Tho’ he fondled and never fcrseok But retained in the roof of his mouth; Yet the food in his bowels will turn To the venom of asps iu his breast. He will vomit the plunder he gorged, From his stomach his god will be cast l He will suck in the poison of asps, The sting of the adder will kill. He shall not see the pools or the streams Of _the rivers of honey and oil, Nor consume the reward of his work; He carries the wealth, but owns not! For he crushed and abandoned the weak, Stole a. house that he never had built, For he never knew rest in his greed, He never let slip his desire, And nothing escaped from his knife: His wealth, therefore, will not endure. He has fear in amassing his hoard That the hand of distress may approach. While he goes to accomplish his greed Fierce wrath is discharged upon him, And is rained as he sits at his food. If he flies from the weapon of iron, He is shot by a bow made of steel! A swift arrow comes up to his back, And it goes to his gall, with its barb! All darkness is stored up for him, A fire unblown will consume; It is bad for those left in his tentl The skies will uncover his sins, And against him the earth will rise up, And the wealth of his house ilow away Like the Hoods in the day of a storm l Such from GOD is the fate of bad men And their portion appointed from Gov. El): Sixth ilzplg nf 301:. 21 But job answered and said: Attentively list to my speech I That may, perhaps, alter your mind. Bear with me, while I, myself, speak, And after I speak you can jeer. Is my complaint made to a man ? And why should not my spirit be sharp? Look at me l and be not surprised; And place your handover your mouth! Pm amazed when I think of myself, And trembling takes hold of my flesh l Say, why are the wicked in life 2 Grow old, and are mighty in wealth? Their offspring are sitting by them, And playing about in their sight. There is peace in their houses, not fear, 828
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0838

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