Exodus - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 84

The Five Books of Moses

EXODUS. whoever puts it upon a. foreigner shall

some of it before the witnesses in the you. It shell be Holy of Holies for you.

by weight they shall not usefor them» beoexcommunicated from his people! The EvER~L1v1NG also said to

Take to yourself sweet drops, and scented shell, and sweet equal weights, and make of them a sweet compound, seasoned with pure holy salt, and pound it very fine. Lay Hall of Assembly, where I will meet

See I have called by name Bezelal,

81-18 80--22

22 26 28 33 35 57 Gmzqmziiimz nf ily: Gil nf ®¤uzczraii:m. Again the Evxx·mvmo spoke to Moses, saying; ‘Now take to you perfumes; of

heads of flowering myrrh five hundred , of sweet cinnamon one hundred and twenty-iive; and of sweet cane one hundred and twenty~five: of sweet cassia five hundred shekels weighed by the sacred shekel, and a hin of olive oil, and make from them the holy consecrating oil; a compound of compounds. It shall be a per- fumed Holy Consecrating oil, to conseerate the Hall of Assembly and the Ark of Witnesses: and the table, and all the instruments of the altar, and its furniture, and the altar of incense: and the altar of burnt offer·· ings, and all its furniture; and the bath, and its appliances. Consecrate them thus, and they shall be holy. ‘Consecrate Aaron and his sons,

also. Consecrate them to be priests to Me. 1`hen you shall speak to the children of Israel saying: ‘ This is the Holy Oil of Consecra~

tion to Me, in allyour generations. lt shall not be poured upon a man’s body; nor shall you make any of similar ingredients. It is Holy of Hohes for you to the Evsiemvxne. The man who compounds like it, and Wnmpnxmb fur Sluzct §¤l¤h2r. galbanum, and pure frankincense of ‘ And this perfume that you make

selves. It is sacred to you and the EVER-LIVING. The man who uses it as a· personal perfume shall be excommunicated fronihis people! %kiliz¤ Workmen Qppninizh. 81 The Evan-1.1vmo also spoke to Moses, saying; the son of Auri, the son of Hor, of the tribe ofjudah. _ havealso filled 3 mm with a divine spirit ot skill, and un- derstanding, and knowledge, and with constructive ability, and with inven- tive genius to workin gold, and silver, and brass; and to cut stone for all works, and to cut timber to work for any urpose. I have also given him g Ahaab the son of Ahisamak of the tribe of Dan. And I have endowed him also with intelligence and science, sothat they may construct all I have commanded you: ‘ The Hall of Assembly and the Ark

of Witnesses, and the covers which are upon it, and all the furniture of the Tabernacle, with the table and its appurtenances, and the lamps of purity, and all their appliances, and the altar of incense; and the altar of burnt offerings, and all its furniture ; with the bath and its bases; and the robes for service, and the sacred robes of Aaron,the priest, and the robes of his sons to ofiiciate in, besides the oil of consecration and the sweet perfumes, to sanctify all, as I commanded you. ®rhrr in Qzzp the Sabbath.

Afterwards the EvEa·1.1v1No spoke to Moses saying: ‘ Now speak to the children of

Israel and say, ‘ Take care and keep My Sabbaths, for they are a witness between you and Me in your genera- tions, that I am the Evan-mvmo Who sanctifies you. Therefore you shall keep the Rest, for it is sacred to you. Whoever curses it, he shall die; and whoever does work in it, that person shall be excommunicated from the community of his people. ‘You.may do your business upon

six days, but on the seventh is the day of rest; it is a Holy Rest to the Evan-Lxvmo. All who do busi- ness upon the day of Rest, shall die. ‘ The children of Israel shall keep

the Sabbath to make a rest for their posterity, as an everlasting covenant. It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel for ever; for in six ages the Even-L1v1No made the solar system and the earth, but upon the seventh age, He rested and re- IO II X2 16 Uulilzs uf the fain gilmt is muses. Then He gave to Moses when He 18 had finished His commands to him

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0084

The History of the People of Israel