Book of Job - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 840

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

22-5 ]OB. 23——-4 IO I I I2 16 18 20 21 22 24 26 Or with you will He go to a judge? Now! Is not your wickedness great, And your vices without any end E For your brother you robbed of his pledge And have stripped from the naked his rags; You quenched not the weary with drink, From the fauuishing held back his bread! But the power{ul·——to him gave the land I And the haughty-faced dwelt upon it! You sent starving widows away, And the aims of the fntherless broke! So, therefore, around you are snares, And terrors unlooked for confound ! And darkness that you cannot see; And torrents of water derwhelm is not Gon in the Heavens on high, Looking over the heads of the stars? What can GOD know 2 ‘ Or distinguish behind the black gloom? Black clouds are around,——~He sees not ;-- For He walks in the sphere of the skies! You keep to the very old path

Which the vilest of mortals have trod; Who were snatched off before their full time, `·W hose foundations were swept by a Hood ; Get far away! And, ‘* what gain is th‘ Armxcnrv to us? He fills up their houses with wealth. (Begone your vile statements from me !) No! » The righteous look on and are glad, And the virtuous laugh him to scorn ; is now wrecked, And the fire will consume his remains. Now make him your friend and have peace; To you the results will be good. Accept, now, the Law from His mouth, And fasten His words on your heart. To the Mighty Constructor return, Depravity drive from your tent, And throw your gold into the dust, Yes, your gold from the gravelly brooks, And let the Most High be your wealth, And the glitter of silver to you! For then the ALMIGHTY will love, And your face you can lift up to GOD! He will hear you whenever you pray And He will accomplish your vows; And He will effect your intent, And the light will shine over your ways! Arise} When the eyes are cast down, then He saves, Protecting the virtuous home, Protecting your unsoiled hands! Wye Szlrzuily illzplg uf Quit. 23 ]ob,·however, replied, and said : Very bitter my thought is to-day! But His hand overpowers my groans. Who will help to discover and find ? I would go to the place where He dwells, Arranging before Him my cause, S40

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0840

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