Book of Job - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 849

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

32-13 ]OB.


But none of you proved his words wrong. Though Wisdom wc found Only GOD can disprove him-—·not man. Had he laid his discourse before me I would not have replied with your words. They are ba.Bled and have no reply;

Their speeches have vanished from them; I am waiting! But yet they speak not ; 16 Though they stand up, they do not repiyl So I answer, yes I, on my part, I will my discoveries declare! For I am Hlled full with my words, 18 My spirit distresses my breast; My breast is like wine without vent, Like skins newly filled it will burst; 20 I must speak, to be able to breathe, I must open my mouth, and reply! I fear not the face of a. man, 21 And never will flatter mankind. For flattery I never have learnt 22 Or my Maker would soon take me off I older translators. Elihu’s contention is, that He sees occasion ; not that He never does, as the Authorized Version and others make him say. Verses 13 and 14 in the Authorized Version

Why dost thou strive against Him? for I-Ie giveth not account of any of His matters. Gon does speak and reveal facts to men when read:


And perhaps job will hear my address And attend to the whole of my speech ; For now I have opened my mouth From my palate my tongue will speak out. My true heart will reason and speak, My utterance will gush from my lips. I was made by the spirit of GOD Th' Ar.M1om:v’s breath gave to me life. Answer me now, if you can, And before me now marshal your proofs. See! I am before you for GOD Yet I am but formed out of clay And my terrors can never affright, Nor my might be a load upon you! In my hearing you certainly spoke. And the soundof your boasting I heard 2 No vices are mine! Look! he hunts me to find out a fault, He thinks about me as his foe, He fastens my feet in the stocks, He watches about all my paths! ’ I reply, You are not right in this; For, as GOD is superiorsto Man, Why should you contend against Him When He gives no account of His acts? However, to some Gon does speak, And to others, does He not reveal 1 Nora.-··—Ch. 33. My version of the above

removes the contradiction which verse 14 makes to verse 15, as it is rendered by the I0 II I2

‘ For God speaketh once, yea twice, :4 Revised Version has: ‘Why dost thou strive against Him? 13 For He giveth not account of any of I-lis matters. ‘ For God speaketh once, yea twice, 14 Renan has: ‘ God speaks once to man; Yea, twice! (but man does not listen)! All these versions are feeble contradictions E 2 840

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0849

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