How unmeasured His number of years, Who accumulates mist from the seas And distributes the vapour in rain, Which the storm clouds all scatter around, Distilling abundance on man. Ah! who understands the massed clouds That carry His thunders within? Look l He scatters about them His flash, But their roots are concealed in the seal Yet He governs the Nations by them: He gives by them plenty of food; He places the flash on their bows And directs it go to the mark, And instructs it to show forth for Him The wealth of His wrath on the vile l My heart even trembles at this And is leaping about in its home ! Hark! I hear the deep sound of His rage And the roll that precedes His advance! It advances beneath all the skies And its flash to the wings of the earth l And thunder's rough voice follows after With a fierce irresistible roar. To all who are hearing its sound GOD thunders with wonderful voice, Effecting great things and unknown; See the earth l' Pour out your strength l ’ lt is marked by the hand of all men, That each one may know of His work. The beasts then retire to their lairs And rolls themselves up in their dens. The hot—blast comes up from the South, And the cold-wind proceeds from the North. The breath of Gon gives us the cold, And the wide spreading waters congeal. Then His splendour dispels the thick cloud And the mists are dispersed by His light. 853 16 18 20 2I 22 26 28 33