tess, and she became his wife, and he wentto her, and the EvER·1.1v1:~:G gave her conception, and she bore a son. Then the women said to Naomi,
‘Thank the EVER-LIVING who has not left you to—day without a relativei So let his name be celebrated in Israel! For he has been to vou a. restorer of life, and a supporter of your old age, on account of your daughter-in-law who loves you, who is better to you than seven sons. Naomi also took the lad and laid
him on her lap, and was a nurse to him, and her woman friends collected There is a son born and chose Obed I for his name. He was the ancestor of jessai, the father of David. And this was the pedigree from
Pharez ;-—Pharez begat Hezron ; and Hezron begat Ram; and Ram begat Amminadab ; and Amminadab begat N ahshon ; and Nahshon begat Sal- mon; and Salmon begat Boaz; and Boaz begat Obed; and Obed begat jessai; and jessai begat David. Serving for} Eno or rue Boox or Ruru. 873 x6 18 20 21 22