18 under the sun ;——siucc however :1 man endeavours to investigate, he cannot discover all. And even if a philo- he has not been able to discover it. For I had applied my mind to all that, and could only discover this, That the Righteous and Philosophic in their labours, are in the hand of GOD. Whether he likes it or dis- likes it, man cannot know all that is before him !——·To the wicked,-—to the good,~——and to the pure ;——-and to the depraved ;·-and to the worshipper, and tothe one who neglects worship; to the Good and to the Bad alike; to the Perjurer, and to him who
respects his Oath, comes the same result! This is the grief in all that is done
under the sun;-·—that one event happens to all; therefore the mind of the Sons of Adam is full of grief,i and agitation is in their hearts during their lives,-—aud after that,——the Dead! For who, of the living, has his choice? Who is hopeful? Yet a living dog is better than a dead lion !—·—·The living, however, know they will die; but the dead know nothing whatever.——And they have no more fame ;-—-for the remembrance of them is forgotten! And their former loves, and hatreds, and ambi- tions perish ; and they have no more possession, for ever, in all that they accomplished under the sun ! Lecrmze 12. @:1 ily: ®:ti¤3gmz¤t ut Eifz. Go! Eat your food with pleasure,
and drink your wine with a merry heart ;——for GoD is well pleased by your doing so. Let your clothing 8 always be handsome, and let not your head need oil! Enjoy life with 9 the wife you love, all the days of the worthless life given you under the sun !-all your worthless days!—for that is your lot in life, and your endeavour in all your ellorts under the sun! Whatever your hand Buds to do, do it with all your might! for there is neither Work, or Skill, or Know- ledge, or Science, in the Grave to which you are going! I have explored, and have seen
under the sun, that the race is not to the swift; nor the battle to the strong;—-·nor bread to the wise ;—~—nor wealth to the skilful; nor success to the prudent; but TIME and CHANCE happen to them all! Man, also, knows not his opportunity! Like fishes caught in a cruel net, and like birds caught in a trap,-——the sons of Adam are caught like them, at a cruel time, that suddenly falls upon them ! Once I observed this result of in·
telligence under the sun,-——and it was astonishing to me! There was a little town with few men in it, and a great General came against, and sur- rounded it, and built entrenchments against it. But a poor person pos- sessing intelligence was found there, who rescued the town by his intelli- gence ;-——-but the men did not remem- ber that poor person !—·-I, however, Intelligence is better than I0 Il 12 16 strength. Nevertheless the intelli- gence of the poor is despised, and no one will listen to his words} Lecrunn 13.-Two Emcnams. (Ibn the tlalnz uf Snlzlligzncz, as rnuqrnrzh init}; Uguurmtrz in Qumnn lfnirs. iiiilisbuin muh $:11;;. The words of the Wise are heard in quiet, While shouting rules among fools l 18 Wisdom is better than weapons of war, But one blunder destroys much success! 10 Quin §Flic¤. As dead flies make sweet oil stink, So small follies, those held to be wise. The wise man’s heart is fixed at his right, The fool’s heart, is at his left hand ! And the fool goes on his senseless way, And tells all men that he is but a fool I 887