Ere the silver cord’s loosed, or the golden bowl broke; Or the Cup is found smashed at the spring, Or the Wheel is found lost at the Well, And Man goes to the earth that he was, And his Soul will return to the Gor: Who gave it! Tim Erm or So1.omox~:’s Lscrmms. NOTE BY THE ANCIENT EDITORS. Probaby those employed under King Hezekiah to arrange these Lectures from preserved manuscripts of his great ancestor, Solomon, for publication. OLD EMTORIAL CGMMENT. said the Vanity of Vanity 2 9 But for the rest, the Preacher was skilful so far as teaching science to the People, and he was listened to, and selected many proverbs. xo The Preacher sought to discover pleasing words, and wrote accurately truthful conclusions. xx The discourses of philosophers are like pegs, and stakes, fixed by masterly shepherds. They keep the flock to- gether. But nevertheless my son, be warned by this,~that there is no end to the making of many books, and much learning is a weariness of the flesh. When all is heard, this is the con-
Rever- ence GOD, and keep His commands. They are for all mankind.—·»~For
GOD will bring every act into judg- ment, along with every secret,whether THE END or run Boox or EccLns1As·rEs, on THE Pnnacimn. 889 10