our princes, and fathers, who sinned against you, is shame nf face! But with our A1.M1<;Hrv Gon are pities and mercies, although we have rebeiled against Him, and have not listened to the voice of the LORD our God to walk in His paths that He prepared before us, by the means of His servants the Preachers. And all Israel has transgressed Your laws,. and gone away so as not to listen to Your voice! Consequently the curse has been poured upon us, and the threat that was written in the Law of Moses, the servant of GOD, because we sinned against Him. And He has confirmed His words that He spoke against us, and against our Rulers, who governed us, that HE would bring upon us great suEer- ings such as were never heard of under all the heavens, and which occurred at jerusalem, as they had been written in the Laws of Moses, all those sufferings have come upon us !—Yet we appeased not the face of the Even-Lrvmo Gon, by turning from our sins and by comprehending the truth. Consequently the Evmz- LIVING watched for the suffering, and brought it upon us,-for the Evnn·L1vmo Gon is absolutely right in all the acts that He does. but we do not listen to His voice. ‘ But now, ALM1GH'1‘Y GOD, who
brought Your People from out of the land of the Mitzeraim with a strong hand, and made yourself renowned, as at this day,—we have offended We have done wrong! Armenrv, although You are right in what You have done, turn away Your anger, and wrath, I pray, from Your city, jerusalem,-—Your Holy Hill,—— be- cause by our offences, and the sins of our fathers, jerusalem and Your People are a reproach amongst all around them. So now, listen, our Gob, to the prayer of Your servant, and to his entreaty, and let Your face shine upon Your desolate Sanctuary., For my sake, LORD, desolations of the City upon which Your name was invoked. because not for our righteousness do we let our entreaties fall before Your face, but because of Your many mercies. ‘ Amvneurvl listen ! Amvrrcnrv, pardon! ALM1GHTY,hear, and act Delay not for Your own sake, my GOD, because Your Name was invoked over Your City and over Your People. Then while I was speaking and
praying, and confessing my faults, and the faults of my People, Israel, and letting my entreaty fall before the LORD my GOD, on account of the Holy Hill of my GoD,———then, while I was speaking and praying, the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the previous Vision when ex- hausted, approached me, about the time of the evening offering, and, entering, spoke and said to me; 20 2I
®ahrizl’s Kzhzlatiurz an his Semen hppzurunrz. ‘ Daniel, I have come to teach you
to und-erstand. At the beginning of your entreaty the command was issued, and I am come to say you are highly honoured, so rehect upon the affair, and reflect upon the revelation. ‘ Seventy weeks are tixed upon
your People, and upon the Holy City, for all their revolts, and to expiate their offences, and to expiate their sin, and to bring forward Eternal righteousness, and to accom- plish the Vision, and Prophecy, and the Mnss1An~—-the Honinsr ofthe Hour. ‘So know, and comprehend; that from the issue of the order to restore and rebuild jerusalem, until the MESSIAH arrives, is seven weeks, and sixty-two weeks. ‘(It will be restored and built with
streets and moat, in timesof distress.) ‘ And after the sixty·two weeks,
the Mnss1AH will be slain,—and none support Him. ‘ After that, the City, andthe Sanc-
tuary will be desolated by a Domi- nating People who are brought on. But its end will be with a torrent, and its abolition by war. The desolations are fixed. But the
my GOD, and hear, l Covenant will be guarded by many open Your eyes and see the for a week, and in the middle of the 9rO 22 26