Ezra - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 915

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

16 18 20 21 22 26 28 33 34 35 37 39 2--I4 five; four ; Of the Beni Bigvai; 'I`wo thousand and fifty-six ; Of thc Beni Adin, Two hun- dred and f1fty~f0ur; Of the Beni Atar of Heze- kiah; ni¤ety—eight; Of the Beni Bezai; Three hundred and twenty-three; Of the Beni ]ora.h ; One hum dred and twelve: Of the Beni Hasham; Two hundred and twenty-three ; Of the Beni Gibar; ninety- Of the Beni Bethlehem; a. hundred and twenty-three; Of the men of Netopah; Fifty·six; Of the men of Anathoth One hundred and twenty-eight; Of the Beni Azmaveth; Forty·tw0; Of the Beni Kiriath-arim,

Kephimh, and Beroth; seven hundred and forty—th1·ee ; Of the Beni Ramah and

Geba.; Six hundred and twenty- seven; Of the men of Mikes; One hundred and twenty-two; Of the men of Bethel, and

Ai, Two hundred and twenty- three; Of the Beni Nebo; fifty- three; Of the Beni Magbish; one hundred and Hfty—six ; Of the Bent Elam ; One thou-

sand two hundred and fifty- Of the Beni Harim; Three hundred and twenty; Of the Beni Lod, Haded, and

Ono; seven hundred and twenty·five; Of the Beni jeriko; Three hundred and forty-five; Of the Beni Senah; Three

thousand six hundred and thirty; @112 §ri2¤t¤. Of the Beni jedaieh of the House of }oshua; Nine dred and seventy—three; Of the Beni Immer;

thousand and Bfty-two; Of the Beni Pashur;

thousand two hundred forty~seven ; Ofithe Beni Harirn;

thousand and seventeen; hun- One One and One EZRA. 2--62 2,056 254 323 1 I2 223 95

123 :28 743 627 122 223 53


I #54


725 345

s,63<> 973

1,052 1,017 THE Levurxas. Of the Beni jeshua and Kad-

miel; of the Beni Hodairah ; Seven ty—five; 75 THE Smoens. Of the Beni Asaph; One hun- 138 dred and twentycight; THE Sons or run Ponrnns. Of the Beni Shallurn; the

Beni Atar; the Beni Talman; the Beni Akub; the Beni Hatita; the Beni Shobal; in all one hundred and thirty—nine; 139 T HE ATTENDANTS. Oi the Beni Zikhn; the Beni

Hasupha; the Beni Paboath; the Beni Keros; the Beni Sihe; the Beni Pedan; the Beni Libanah; the Beni Hagabah; the BeniAkkub; the Beni Hagab; the Beni Shamlai; the Beni Hanan; the Beni Gidel; the Beni Gahar; the Beni Raiha.; the Beni Rezin; the Beni Nikoda; the Beni Gazam; the Beni Aza.; the Beni Paskh; the Beni Besei; the Beni Asnah; the Beni Meonim; the Beni Nephisim; the Beni Bnkuk; the Beni Hakupha; the Beni Harkhur; the Beni Bazluth; the Beni Mik- hida; the Beni Harsha.; the Beni Barkos; the Beni Sisera.; the Beni Tema; the Beni Nezikh; the Beni Hatipha. Tun Sous on Sonouons Snnvmvrs. The Beni Sotia.; the Beni Sophe·

rith; the Beni Peruda.; the Beni jalah; the Beni Darken; the Beni Gidel; the Shiphetiah; the Beni Hattil; the Beni Pokereth~Nazebaim; the Beni Ami ; All the Attendants, and the

children of Solomon’s servants, were three. hundred and ninety- two. 392

The following also went up from

Tel Melah, Tel Harsha, Kerub, Aden, and Immer. But they could not show their ancestral houses or their race, whether they were of Israel. Of the Beni Delaiah; the

Bent Tobiah ; the Beni Nekoda; six hundred and fifty~two ; 652 And of the children of the Priests;

the Beni Habiah ; the Beni Barzellai who took as a. wife one of the daughters of Barzillai the Giledite, and so was called by his name; These sought their Register with 9¥5 42 43 44 45 47 49 53 54 55 57 59 60 61 62

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0915

The History of the People of Israel