Ezra - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 921

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

EZRA. 8--15 7--1y 18 20 21 22 ' On this account you shall pur-

chase diligently with that money, oxen, rams, lambs, and their food and drink oH`erings, and 0Her them upon the Altar of your G0!) at jeru- salem. And you may do with the remainder of the silver and gold what seems best in the opinion of yourself and your friends for your GOD. And also the furniture that is given to you to place in the House, offer them as apresent to GOD, iu ]erusalem. But whatever besides may be needful for the House of your GOD, that it occurs to you to present, provide for it from the Royal Treasury. And I, myself, Arthakshasta, the

King, sign this Decree to all the Treasurers of the Over-river, that whatever Ezra the Priest, the Accom- plishedin the Law of the Gon or rim HEAVENS, demands of you, you shall immediately execute it, to the amount of one hundred talents of silver, and to a hundred Kors of wheat, and to a hundred baths of wine, and ahundred baths of oil, and of salt without noting. ‘A1l that is commanded by the

Gon or rim He.•.v1tNs,let it be done quickly for the House of the GOD OF THR HEav1tz~ts;—-for why should there be anger against the Dominions ofthe King and his children ? ‘ And we notify you, that regarding

all the Priests, Levites, Singers, Door— keepers, Attendants, or Servants of this House of GOD ; it is not allowed to impose upon them tribute, tax, or toll. And you, Ezra, according to the

Science of your GOD that you possess, appoint judges, and Magistrates, who can administer justice to all the People of the Over-river. All should understand the Law of your GOD; and if they do not know it, teach

26 them. But whoever will not practise the Laws of your GOD, and the laws of the king, let swift justice be done on him at once; whatever results, 23 whether death , or uprooting, or lining, or imprisonment} I thanked the Loan Gon of our

fathers who put such things into the heart of the King, to adorn the House of the LORD at jerusalem; and who has extended mercy to me before the King and his counsellors, and all the Great Generals of the king! Thus I LORD GOD was with me, and I col- lected some ofthe heads of my People to ascend with me. Eist of Qzlus Qrmmpuugiitg ily: Szrmxh égru in Qzrusalem. And these are the heads of families 8 and the genealogiesof those who went up with me from Babel, in the reign of Arthakshasta the king. From the Beni Phinehas, Gershom;

of the Beni Ithamar, Daniel; of the Beni David, Hatush; of the Beni Shekaniah with the Beni Tarash, Zakeriah, and with them of the lineage of their ancestors, —-·a hundred and fifty. Of the Beni Phakatlrmoab,

Aliwaini — ben — Zarkhiah, and with him two hundred men. Of the Beni Shekaniah-hem

akhzial, and with him three undred men. And from the Beni Adinal>ed~

ben·]ouathan, and with him five hundred of the gentry. And from the Beni Ailam,

}eshiah - ben · Athaliah, and with him seventy men. And from the Beni Sheftiah,

Zebadiah-ben-Mikal, and with him eighty men. From the Beni joab Aba·

diah·ben·]ahkial, and with him two hundred and eighteen men. And from the Beni Shelo—

mith·ben-josephiah, and with him a hundred and sixty men. And from the Beni Babi,

Zakeriah—ben·Babi, and with him twenty-eight men. And from the Beni Azgad,

jokhanan-ben—I-Iabatnan, and with him one hundred and ten men. And from the Beni Adoni-

kam, the Dawdler, the names are Aliflat, javal, and Shemiah, and with them sixty men. And from the Beni Bigvi,

Authi, and Zabud, and with them seventy men. 150 200 218 xo r60 xr 28


Total 1,946 $5ra mnllcrts his Gunn:. I collected them at the River that

goes by Ahava; and encamped there three days, where I reviewed the People and the Priests, and discovered

was bold, because the hand of the there were none from the Beni Levi 921 I2

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0921

The History of the People of Israel