Book of Nehemiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 938

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers




12 I3 16 18 Biluah ; Shcmiah and joyarib, jediah ; Salu, Amok, Hilkiah, jadiah; These were from the Chiefs of the

Priests, and their associates from the days of joshua. ‘ Then the Levites: ‘ _}eshua.,Beuni,Kadmia1, Sherbiah,

judah, Mathauiah, who was leader of thanksgiving, and his associates. Beside Bakbakiah, and Ano, with their associates in command of the Guards. ‘]oiada had begot jonothan, and

jonothan begot jadua, and jadua begot joiakim, and from the days of joiakim there were Priests, Chiefs of Fatherhoods, up to Sheriah, Meriah, and jeremiah, Hananiah, and EZRA, Meshuiam, and Amariah, jonothan; and with Malaki, jonothan, and Shebauiah, joseph, and Hamm, Adna, and Merioth, Haliki, and Adia, Zekeriah, and Ginothan, Meshulam, and Abiah, Zikri, and Minimin, and Moadiah, Plati, and Bilga, Shemrnah, and Shemiah-Jonothan; and with Joyarib, Mathin, and jadiah, Azi, 12~—s7 and Sali, Kali, and Amok·abd, and 20 Kilkiah, Hashabiah, and jedaiah, 21 Nethanal, Levites from the days of 22 Alishab.-—]oyada and jokanan, and jadua, were inscribed as Chiefs of Fatherhoods; and Priests in the reign of Dariush, the Persian. I`he Chiefs of the Fatherhoods 23

of the Beni Levi, inscribed in the 24 record of the Events of the Times, up to the days of ]ohanan—ben- Aliashib, as Chiefs of the Levites: Myizf Glyarisizrs. ‘Hashabiah, Sherabiah, and

]eshua—ben·KadmiaI, and their con- nected associates, were to lead the Choir, (as by command of David the MAN of GOD), in response after response. Eb: Mjizf @¤nt·l<2zpm:¤. Mathaniah, and Bakbukiah, 25 Abdiah, Meshulam, Talmon, Akub, were doorkeepers who kept guard at the Gates of the Treasury} (44o ac.) THE SECOND NEHEMIAHS NARRATIVE 28 RESUMED} T he following relates to the times

of ]oyakim-ber1—]eshua,sben-jozadak, and the times of NaHEmA1»1 the Governor and EZRA the Priest and Scholar. When the Walls of jerusalem were

dedicated they sought the Levites from all their homes, and brought them to jerusalem to make the dedication, with rejoicing and thanks and singing, with cymbals, 1utes,and harps. They consequently collected the descendants of the Singers from the district surrounding jerusalem, and from the towns in Nitof, and from Beth-Gilgal, and from the plains of Geba, and Hazmavoth,—-for those towns had been built for the Singers around jerusalem. The Priests were also purified, with

the Levites. They also purified the People, and the Gates, and the Walls.

I Nor1:.—Ch. 12, v. 26. The reader must

not confuse the Nanminn and Ezaa men- tioned here with the Naxnmn: of 2.'ernb· Book Then I led the Nobles of judah on to the Walls, and arranged them in two great divisions, and marched to the right upon the Wall to the Dung Gate. And Hoshiah, and half the Nobles of judah marched after them, with Azariah, Ezra, and Meshulam, judah, and Benjamin, and Meshiah, and jeremiah. Next, some of the Sons of the

Priests with trumpets and Zekeriah— ben -jonatl1an, — ben — Meshiah, — ben- Mathaniah, -ben—Mikiah,· ben-Zahur, -ben—Asaf, with his companions Shemiah, and Azral, Milali, Galali, Mai, Nethanal and judah, I-Ianani, with at their head all the musical 33 3 4 35 s6 ·‘ instruments of DAVID the Man of GOD, and EZRA the Scholar. They 37 ascended by the Well Gate and after- wards up the stairs of the City of David, by the stairs of the wall, up ch. 2, v. 2. Nauamau the Govna- noxt, and his associate here recorded as lived about 100 years after the time of Z erubbabel.—·F. F. 938

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0938

The History of the People of Israel