ing of wiuepresscs on the Sabbath, and some who carried sheaves and loads upon asses; as well as wine, grapes, and figs and various loads which they brought to jerusalem. The Tzurites also who resided there brought fish, and various mer- chandize, and sold it on the Sab- bath to the Children of judah, and in jerusaiem. I consequently re- proved the gentry of }udea, and What vile thing is this that you are doing? and defilihg the Day of Rest? Was not this what your fathers did, in con- sequence of which GOD brought all this suffering upon us, and upon this City? And would you renew the anger upon Israel, by profaning the Sabbath ? ’* So when the Gates of jerusalem
were closed before the approach of the Sabbath, I commanded that they should fasten the doors, and ordered them not to be opened until after the Sabbath, and I placed my soldiers at the Gate so that no loads might be brought in upon the Sabbath. Conse- quently the hawkers and merchants had to stay outside jerusalem a few times. I also spoke to and asked them, “ Why are you staying near the walls? If you do so again, I shall arrest you after this time. You must not come on the I also commanded the Levites,
who were of the ordained, and they became keepers of the Gates, so as to sanctify the Sabbath. Remember me, my GOD, and have
mercy on me in Your great kind- ness. Eurlxihhzrt. In this period, also, I observed the 23 24 jews who lived with Ashdodite, Amonite, and Moabite women, the speech of whose children was half Ashdodish, and they were not able to talk ]udith,··——but like a dialect of the two people. I therefore found fault with them, and blamed and dogged those men, and pulled out their hair, and swore to them by GOD, ‘ You should not give your daughters to their sons, nor take any of their daughters for your own sons, or for yourselves. Was it not in this way that Solomon king of Israel sinned? Yet in many Nations there has not been a king like him who loved his GOD, so that GOD made him king over all Israel, but these foreign women made him sin. So should we listen to you to commit this great wrong against our GOD, of living with foreign wives? And although one of the sons of
joiada,-—Aliashib, the High Priest, was son—in-law to Sanballat, the Horonite, yet I drove him from me. Remember them, my GOD, for their
pollutions of the Priesthood, and the Priestly and Levitical Covenants. Thus I purified them from all 25 26 28 strangers, and I established rules for the Priests and Levites, each in his own work, and for the supply of wood 31 at stated times, and the first-fruits. Remember me, my GOD, with beneficence. 1 Nora.-·—Ch. 13, y. 31. As with_Ezra,_thi
3,UtObIQgI'Qphy BIJQQRI _{O P8 _OI1Iy part of a longer history, for the final result of his re-organization of the jewish State is not given, or even when his Governorship ended.-·F. F Erm or me Boon or NEHEMIAII, 940