First Book of Chronicles - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 944

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

3-1. RECORDS OF THE TIMES,--1. CHRON. 4-10 IO II I2 16 came from Hamath, a colony of the House of Rekab. These however, are the sons of David who were born to him in Hebron; The Qrstbom Amon by Ahinoam

the Izraalite; the second Daniel? by Abigail, the Karmelith ; the third Absalom, the son of Makah, the daughter of Talmcm King 0fGheshur ; the fourth Adoniah, the son of Hagith, the fifth Shefatiah, by Abital; the sixth Ithram, by Aglah his wife. Six were born to him at Hebron, where he reigned seven years and six months, but in jerusalem he reigned thirty—three years. And these were born to him in jerusalemg Shamna, and Shobad, and Nathan,

and Se1om0n,——four by Bathshua, the daughther of Bathanial; and Ibkhar, and Alishama, and Alifalat; and Nogah, arid Nefeg, jafia, and Ali~ shame, and Alida, and Alifaiat, nme. All these sons of David were born

in jerwsalem; sons of Secondary wives, a well as Thamer their sister. But the son of Solomon was Reha-

bam; his son Abiah; his son Asa; his son, jhoshafat; his son joram; his son Ahaziah; his son joash; his scm Amaziah ;_ his son, Azariah, his son ]otham; his son, Ahaz; his son, Hezekiah; his son, Manasheh; his son, Amon; his son joshia; And the sons of joshia, the eldest jokhanom ; the second, jhoiakim; the third, Zedekiah, the fourth Shalom. And the sons]hoiakim,~]ekoniah ;

K Noir.-Ch. 2, v. 55. From much ofthe

Son' in Hebrew, and in Hebrew Genealogies, do not always mean, as with individuals, bodily Sons and Fathers, but frequently colonies, or villages founded or built by a man. Forgetfulness ef this lin- fuistic fact has led to endless blunders i n ilhronology, and even in Theology. But it ` should never belost sight of in studying the Scriptures.——F. F. 2 Nora.-Ch. 3, v. 1. This Daniel, I sug· t, was the Daniel referred tob Ezekiel

lf Noah, Daniel, for owing to the periods of time in which Ezekiel and the Prophet Daniel lived, it was impossible for Ezekiel to have referred to Daniel the Prophet, who was probably not born until after Ezekiel’s death. I note this because some sceptical writers have made that reference to a d ood nd as a wise angman, a grouof assault upon the book of Ezekiel.- . F. his son Zedekiah; and the son of jekoniah, Aser; and his son, Shal- thial; and Malkiram; and Pediah; and Shenazer; jekeniah; Hoshama; and Nedabiah. And the sons of Pediah, were

Zerubabel, and Shemar, and the sons of Zerubabel, Meshulam, and Hana- niah, Shelamith, was their sister; with Khashubah, and Ahel, Berakiah, Khasadiah, joshab, Khasad——-five. And the sons of Hananiah, Flatiah,

and Ishiah ; the sons of Rephiah were Arkan, Abadiah, Shekaniah. And the sons? of Shekaniah, She-

miah; and the sons of Shemiah, Khatosh, and Igal, and Beriakh, and Nariah, and Shafat,—-·six. And the sons of Shafat, Nariah, Alzwaim; and Hezekiah, and Azrikam,··-three. And the sons of Alzwaim, Hodaiah, and Alishab, and Faliah, and Akub, and jonathan, and Deliah, and Aani, —··seven. The sons of judah. Ferez; Haz-

ron; and Karmi; and Shobal; and Raiah-ben-Shobal begot jakhath ; and jakhath begot Akhami; and Lakhad; These are the clans of the Zarites. And these are the sons of Aitam; Izraal, and Ishma, and Idbash; and the name of their sister was Za1e1· falom, with Pennal the founder of Ghedor; and Azer the founder of Hoshah. These were the colonies of Hur’s iirstborn,—-A£rathah was the founder of Bethlehem. And Ashkur the founder of Tekoa

had two wives, Halah and Narah; and N arah bore to him Akhurzan and Hefer; and Thmini, and Akshethoral; these were the sons of Narah. But

the sons of Halab, Zereth, Itzkar, and Athnan, and Kutz begot Anub; and Zababah, and the clan of Akara1· ben-Hamm. But jabez was more energetic than

his brothers, and his mother called I :8 20 2I 22 h6.VB DOIIXG him tO my SOITOW. however, relied on to If You is

repeated in the Hebrew text before each name of Rephiahks children clearly by the error of some ancient copyist; I therefore omit it.-—F. F. ' l§u@§n{;'? He evidently was a rough, wild la .~—- . . 944

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0944

The History of the People of Israel