First Book of Chronicles - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 950

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

8-13 RECORDS OF THE TIMES.-I. CHRON 9--14 wcre Aber, and Misham, and Shauar, 16 18 22 26

33 35 37

39 he founded Auno,-—a¤d Lod, and

its hamlets. And Beriah and Shana, were the Ancestral Chiefs caf the settlers in Ailon, whence they ex- pelled the settlers from Gath. And Akhio, and Shashak, and Iremoth, Zebadiah, and Amd, and Adar, and Mikal, and Ishfah, and ]0kha,——were sons of Beriah. And Zebadiah and Meshalum, and Hizekiah, and Khe- ber; and Ishmeri, and Izliah, and obab, were sons of Alfa.]; and akim, and Zikri, and Zabdi; and _Aliaim; and Zilthi, and A1ia.l·; and Adiah and Beriah, and Shim- 1·ath,we1·e.sous of Shimi; and Ishfan, and Aber, and Alial; and Abdon, and Zikri, and Khanan; and Khana.- niah, and Ailain, and Authothiah; and Ifdiah, and Finial, were sons of Shashak. And Shamsheri, and Shakheriah, and Athaliah, and ]ar· shiah, and Aliah, and Zikri, were sous of jeroklram. These were Ancestral Chiefs. Chiefs to their descendants. They resided in jeru- salem. But in Ghibaon resided Beni

Ghibaon, and the name of his wife was Makah,.a.nd his firstborn son was Abdon, then Tzur, and Kish, and Bal, and Nedab, and Geder, and Akhio, and Zakur, and Mikloth who begat Sheniah ;·-—and they resided in jerusalem beside their relatives. And Ner begot Kish, and Kish

begot Shaul, and Shaul begot jhonathan, and Melkishua, and Abinedab and Ashbel. And the son of jhonathen was

and Meribel begot Mikah. And the sons of Mikeh were, Fithon, and Melek, and Thara, and Akhez; and Akhaz begot jhoedah, and jhoadah begot Alamath, and Azme· vith, and Zimri, and Zimri begot Motza; and Motza. begot Bineh, his son was Refa,-·his sen Alashah, his son Atzal. And Atzel had six sons; and these are their names ;—-Azriksm, his firstborn, and Ishmael, and Shariah, and Abadiah, and Khanan; all these were the sons of Atzal. And the sons of Ashk, his brother,

were Aulem, his firstborn Jabash, the second, Alifalet, the thir . And the sons of Aulam became men of greet distinction for skill with the bow, and he had many sons and a. hundred and fifty grandchildren. All these were ofthe Beni Benjamin. For all Israel were registered, and 9 the books can be consulted amongst the records of the Kings of Israel. Qebigrzzs af iuhzmt Qnhlzs.

judah, however, was transported to

Babel for its transgressions. But the former settlers who possessed those Cities of Israel were the Priests, the Levites, and their attendants. But in jerusalem some of the Beni judah settled and some ofthe BeniBenj amin , and some of the Tribe of Ephraim and Manasseh. Authi-ben·Amihud· ben—Amri—ben - Imri - ben - Benjamin · ben—Perez·—ben—]udah. And of the Shilanites, Ashiah, the firstborn, and his sons. And from the Beni Zerakh, java},

and his companions, six hundred and ninety. And from the Beni Benjamin

Salna-ben·Meshnlam,~ben—Hodaviah— ben~Asuah ; and Ibniah — ben ]erokham,.and Alah - ben · Azi - ben Makri; and Meshulam—ben-Shefatiah— ben-Ranal·ben—lbniah; and of their genealogical relatives, nine hundred and fifty-six. All these men were Chiefs of Ancestral Houses, from their fathers. And from the Priests ]edaiah,

jhoiadah, and jakin, and Azariah-ben- Hilkiah-ben—Shalum—ben-Zadok-ben· Merioth·ben-Ahitub—near the House of GOD. And Adiah-ben-]erokham- ben · Shafhur · ben - Malkiah; and Shami — ben — Adial · ben - ]akhzariah· ben - Shalum ~ ben · Meshilmath - ben- Arner; and of their companions, I0 II I2 Chiefs of Ancestral Houses one thousand seven hundred and sixty men able to conduct the services of the House of GOD. And from the Levites, Shemiah - ben- Khashub-ben·Azri· 1 No*r¤.—·—Ch. g, v. 2. This remark in the

text further supports my view that all these ies of th Ped igrees are portions or cope evidence of ancestry produced, y claimants to estates, by the returned transports from Babylon when proving their claims before the `irst Nehemiah and Ezra about 536 n.c . and which some subsequent compiler had copied out indiscriminately from the-Records of the Land Registry Omoo at gerusalem long after, and bg t e error of ol Transcribers hehave een confused with the Book The Events of the Ages ’ Chronicles? I call attention to this to remove a common error which looks on them as sacred documents. --F. F. 950

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0950

The History of the People of Israel