First Book of Chronicles - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 961

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

19-1 HISTORY OF HOUSE OF DAVID.-I. CHRON. 20-1 and Light Infantry, and thc sons of David were the Princes at the side of the King. (mgy B.c.) Gb: `§zni·§mmx Znsuli §aixih’s §rnhus¤ak¤rs. 19 It was after this that Naksh, King of the Beni-Amon, died, and his son reigned after him. I will show friend-

ship to Hanun the son of Naksh, tor his father showed friendship to me. David consequently sent Ambas- sadors to console him about his father. David’s Ofiicers accordingly went to the country of the Beni- Amon to Hanuu to console him. But the Princes of the Beni—Am0n Does David honour your father in your sight that he sends you presents? Have not his Officers come to you with the object of examining, and inspecting, and surveying the country? Consequently Hanun seized David’s

O§acers and shaved them, and out off their robes half way up their but· tocks, and sent them away! So they sent and informed Davidiabout those persons, and he sent to meet them, for they had been grievously out- raged. Therefore the king com- Stay at ]eriko until your beards are grown. When the Beni-Amon, however,

saw that they had insulted David, Hanun sent a thousand talents of silver to hire for himself chariots and cavalry from Aram—tween-rivers, and from Aram of the Plain, and from the Zobah,1 and hired with them thirty-two thousand Charioteers and the King of the Plain and his Forces, and advanced and encamped before Medeba, where the Beni—Amon were collected from their towns. From there thev advanced to the war. Qual: ®rh2r2h in Resist tbz Quit- IO hmmt anu Qllizs. But David heard it, and sent ]oab and the Generals of the Army. The Beni-Amon then drew out for

battle opposite the City; with the kings, w o had come to help them, separately in the open field. joab consequently perceived that a Double Battle was before him ;-—on his front and rear. He therefore selected all I The Delta of the Euphrates. the Israelite soldiers and disposed them to meet Aram; and put the rest of the forces into the hands of his brother Abishai, whom he ordered to meet the Beni-Amon; and said; ‘ If the Aramites are too strong for

me, come and help me to defeat them. But if the Beni·Amoi: are too strong for you, I will rescue you. Be bold and resolute for our People, and for the City of our GOD ;—·—and let the Loki) do what is best in His sight! Then joab, and the force that was

with him advanced to the front of the Aramites to fight, and they Bed before him. And when the Beni·Amon saw that Ararn fied, they also ran from the face of Abishai, his brother, and entered the City. joab afterwards returned to jeru- salem. Elye Qlrnutimrx 311;; iuitl; the mzmnpntmxtinns. But Aram, seeing that they had

been defeated by Israel, sent Ambas· sadors who went to Aram—over—the· River,} and hired the General of Hadadezer to help them. vBut this was reported to David, so he collected the Forces of Israel and passed over the jordan, and advanced against them, when they arrayed against him, and David disposed his army to meet Aram in battle,and they fought with him. But Aram fled before Israel, and David slew seven thou- sand Charioteers and forty thousand Infantry, and killed Shofek the Com— mander of their army. But whenthe officers of Hadadezer saw that they rx 12 16 18 were worsted by Israel, they made peace with David, and were subject to him; and the Aramites were unwilling to assist the Beni-Amon again. (1036 ac.) Qual: linkages ily: ‘§zni·,'A¤t¤u. When the period of the year came 20 round,-»—the season for Generals to march out,—-—·]oab led out the strength of the army and ravaged the country of the Beni·Amon. Then he went and besieged Rabah. But David stayed in jerusalem; so joab assaulted Rabah and stormed. it. h. rv. 16. Mesootam 1 No·rz.—Cg, pia, anu Babylonla, so afterwards cal ed by the Greeks.—F. F. 061

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0961

The History of the People of Israel