First Book of Chronicles - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 969

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

18 20 21 22 28 27—-··—-18 HISTORY OF HOUSE OF DAVID.-—-I. CHRON. 28~—--8 Of Judah, Olihu, from the brothers f0 David; Of Issakar, Amri,—bcn-Mikal; OfZebu10n, Ishamihu,-ben-Aba· dihu; Of Maphthali, jeremoth, - be¤— Azrial; Oftho Ephraim, H0sha,- ben A _hzazi u; Of the Half—'I`ribe of Menaseh, ]oel,·ben·Pedihu ; Of the Half-Tribe of Menasseh in Gilad, ld0,·ben-Zekarihu; Of Benjamin, jashial,-ben-Abner; Of DBM. AZ8·fH}.·b€¤·]€¥0kh8m; '¥`h0S¢ W€1’B Um P1‘1¤€€S Of U18 'l`¤b€S ¤f 1336}. FO? D&V1d did 110t 1‘&iS8 by {IIB

COI1SCI°iptiOIl {POKE fwélliy y€3.I’S Of age Mid UPWMGS f01‘ the YFGGPS. 8}th0¤gh the EVER-LIVING had p¤`<>· mised to increase Israel like the stars Of th6 Skl8S. ]0¤·b.·b€¤·Z€1'¤i¤·h did bégifl t0

conscript, but did not finish. But because of that there was anger against Israel; therefore the con- 5G1`iPTi01‘1 WHS ¤6V€1‘ 1‘€C0fd€d 3m0¤g the events of times of King David. , , , , _ @¤i¤¤ ¤ ®¤i¤¤¤i M¤¤¤*¤r¤· Azmuth,-ben—Adial was Superin- tendeut of the Royal '1`reasuries. ]h0nathan,—ben-Azihu, was Super—

intendent of the Stores in the country, in the towns, in the villages, and fort- resses. And Azri,—ben-Kelub was Superin-

tendent overtheworks in the country and cultivators of the ground. Shimi the Rahmathi was Superin-

tendent of the vineyards, and olive- yards, with Zabdi the Shifami for the wine stores. Ikhia1,~ben-Hakmoni was Tutorofthc the K1¤g’s Privy Councillor, and .; friend. be¤—Benh1hu, and Abiathah, while joab was Commander ofthe Army. §¤l¤¤¥¤¤'¤ ®12¤ii¤¤· Israel; the Chiefs of Tribes; and the Generals of the Divisions in the Kings service ;. with the Colonels of Rggimggtg, and Captains of Con), pggigg; and the O$¢g;·3 gf all @3 King’s cattle; and his own sons with their attendants; and Stat?-ofiicers; and an the powel-fu; men, {O jam- Salem ;-· Then King David stood up on his {ee; and Said; ·LiSg€¤ to me, My Friends, and

My pwp1gg...1 had in my heart to build a House of Rest for the Ark of the (jovgmmt Of the Evign-LIVING; and as a stool for the feet of our ooo: And 1 had prepared to maid it ;-- ‘ But GOD said to me, ‘ You shall

not build a House to My Name! For you have been a man of War,--·-and have shed blood. ‘Yet the EVER-LIVING Gon of

Israel chose me from all my fathei·'s family to be King over Israel for ever l—For He chose judah to lead, and in the House of judah He

chose the House of my father;-—and from the sons of my father He was pleased to cause me to be crowned Bal~Khanan the Gaderi was Super·

intendent of the Oliveyards, and the Sycamore Groves that were on the slopes, with joash over the Oil Stores. Shitri, the Sharoni was Superinten-

dent of the flocks pastured in Sharon: with Shafut,·ben-Adali over the herds in the plain. Aubil, the Ishmaelite, was Super~

intendent of the Camels, with jedihu, the Meronothi over the Asses. jaziz, the Hagari, was Superinten-

dent of the docks. All these were Controllers of the property that David possessed. jhonathan, the Uncle of David, was

Prime Minister. He was a man of understanding and a scholar. And King's_ Sons; _But _Akhitli0fel was 33 And after Akhitliofel were jhoiadap 34

(xorg s.c.) Qnhih Qlxazxulilrs the ginhlzz mm Qrmg in Cmtfruz

David assembled all the Ofiicers of 28 over all Israel l ‘And of all my sons, (for the

EvEa·L1v1NG has given me many sons,) He has chosen Solomon, my son, to sit upon the throne of the Kingsliip from the Evan-ravine over Israel; and said to me, ‘Your son Solomon shall build My House and My Courts, for I have chosen him for Myself as a son, and I will be a father to him. 'I will also found his Kingship

for ever :——If he is firm to guard My Instructions, and Decrees, as he does at present.’ So now, in the sight of all Israel,

the Congregation of the EVER-

Livmo,-and in the hearing of our 960

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0969

The History of the People of Israel