7 Affairs, gave to the works for the House of the Evxmnivmo, five thousand talents of Gold, and ten thousand dariks,1 and ten thousand talents of Silver, and eighteen thou- sand talents of brass, and one hun- dred thousand talents of iron. 8 · While those who possessed jewels gave them to the Treasury of the House of the EVER-Lrvmo, into the custody of jakhial the Gherslmi. So the People were glad, on ac-
count of their contributions, for they contributed with a willing heart to the Even-uvmo, and King David also rejoiced with great delight. Then David blessed the EVER-
uvmc in the sight of all the Meet- ing, and David exclaimed; Sranza 1. 'Blessed be You, the Evnreuvme, The GOD of our Father Israel, From Eternity to Eternity! With You LORD, is Greatness, and Power, And beauty, and splendour, and glory! For all the Heavens and the Earth are Yours, LORD} The Government, and Exaltation, And Headship of all! Sranza 2. ‘ Therefore, our GOD, we all thank You, And praise Your Majestic Name. For who am I, and who are my People, That we are able freely to give like this? For all comes from You, S1·ANzA 3. ‘ To You we only give Your own] For we are only travellers before You, And lodgers, as all our fathers were! Our days are like a shadow on the Earth_ And are without hope l Sranza 4. ‘ LORD our GOD all this wealth that is given. To build a House to Your Name, As Your Sanctuary, was from Your hand, And is all Yours. Sranza 5. ' As I know my GOD, That You refine the heart, And delight in uprightness, I, in trueness of heart, Have given all this; And now I have seen Your People, Here give gladly to You, LORD, the GOD of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. Oh l keep them for ever, No·r¤:.—Ch. 2g, v. 7. The mention of
a Persian coin, nxes the date of named in '` as be The Events of Iime,ing after the return from the Captivlty; an lends a support to my view given in a former Note, that in the va ues of moneys the his· 10 I! I2 16 x8
torlan brought them into scale with the purchasing values of his own day, and does not give them as in the period of David. This fact accounts for the Hebrew editors of the Second Temple Eutting Chronicles as the last book of the Boo s in the Bible.—F. F. 971