House of the EVER-Lxvmc in jerusa- lem, 011 the Hill ofthe A1=·PEARANcE, of what appeared to his father David, which place was that of the granary of Amon the jebusi, which David bought. He began to build itiiu the second month of the fourth wear of his Empire. And this was the foundation made
by Solomon for the building of the House of GOD.——'I`he length in cubit measure was sixtv cubits on the floor lime, and the breadth twenty. And the Porch which was opposite
the front at the entrance of the Square Court of the House, was twenty cubits square, and its height was one hundred and twenty, and the outside was plated with pure Gold. And he also lined the Great Temple
with cypress wood, and plated it with fine Gold, and depicted on it Palm- trees and Creepers. He also adorned the house with
handsome costly stones to beautify it, and the Gold was Parvim Gold. Beside which he plated the Temple,
the approaches of the thresholds, and the walls, and doors with gold, and carved Kerubim on the walls. He also made the Temple of the
Holy of Holies. Its length was that of the breadth of the Temple, twenty cubits and it was plated with six hundred talents of fine gold, with tifty shekels weight of gold for the' nails. He also plated the steps with gold. He also had two Kerubim made
by sculptors in the Temple of the Holy of Holics, and covered them with gold. The wings of the Kerubim extended
for twenty cubits ;—one wing for five cubits from the side of the wall of the House, and the other wing tive cubits from the tip of the wing of the first Kerub; and the wing of the first Kerub of tive cubits long, touched the other wall of the House; and the wing of the second Kerub of tive cubits, touched the wing of the first Kerub. The wings of these Kerubim spread twenty cubits, and they stood on their feet, but their faces were from the Temple. He also made the veils of blue, and
purple, and crimson, and linen and depicted Kerubim upon them. He also made two Columns before
the Temple of thirty—tive cubits high, with crowns on the top of them of five cubits. Then he made wreathing chains,
and fixed them on the top of the columns, and prepared a hundred pomegranates which were attached to the chains. He afterwards raised the Columns in front of the Temple one on the right and the other on the left, and called the name of the Righbhand one Firmness (jakin), and of the other Activity (Boz). He also made an Altar of Brass,
twenty cubits long and twenty cubits broad, and ten cubits highf He also made the Sea by a. casting,
of ten cubits from lip to lip, circular in form, and five cubits high, and a line of thirty cubits encircled it, with the likeness of bosses under lt, cir- cling all round. There were ten in a cubit all round the Sea. The bosses were in two rows, cast when it was cast. It stood upon twelve bullocks; Three facing the North; and Three facing the West; and Three facing the South; and Three facing the East: and the Sea was upon them, and all their buttocks were inwards. It was a palm thick, and its lip was worked like the lip of a cup, as a lily flower. Its capacity was three thousand Baths complete. He also made ten lavers, and
placed five on the right, and Eve on the left, in which to wash what was prepared for the Sacrifices, by dip- ping them.——But the Priests washed in the Sea itself. He made also the Golden Lamps,
as they were Decreed, and placed them in the Temple; five on the right, and five on the left. He also made ten tables and
placed them in the Temple, five on the right, and tive on the left. And made a hundred basons of gold. 16 He also constructed the Priests’ g Court; andthe Great Enclosure ; and 1 Nora.-—Ch. 4, v. x. There must be some
error of an old transcribe: here, for the dimensions are impossible. In Exodus, Ch. 27, v. r, it was ordered to be Eve cubits onl. It should probably read two cubits yhig .——F. F. 0’7<