Second Book of Chronicles - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 977

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

6——1 HISTORY OF HOUSE OF DAVID.·—II. CHRON. 6-23 thc Priests were not able to stand to serve, ou account of the Cloud, for the glory of the Ev1zR·L1v1No fxlled the House of GOD. §¤l¤m¤n’s gehimiimx Qhbrzss. Then Solomon exclaimed ; I`he LORD declared He would dwell in the Gloom ! Yet I have built a Residence for

You! and constructed a. Rest for You for Ages! ' The King then turned his face and

blessed all the Assembly of Israel, while all the Assembly of Israel stood up ; And he said: I`hank the EVER-1.1vme Gon of

Israel Who promised with His mouth to my father David, and has accom- plished it by His own hands, saying 2-- From the day when I brought

My people from the land of the Mitzerairn, l have not chosen a City •fr0m any of the Tribes of Israel where a House should be built to IO I! My NAME; nor have I chosen a person to be Prince over My People Israel, but nowl am choosing for My NAMB to be in jerusalem; and am choosing in David a Superintendent over My People of Israel l ‘ Then it came into the heart of my

father David to build a House to the NAME of the Even-Lxvme Gon of Israel. But the EvER·L1v1NG said to David my father, ‘ Regarding what is in your heart about building a House to My NAME, you have done well that it was in your heart. How- ever you shall not build Me a House, but a son of yours, who comes from your loins, shall build a House to My NAME I I`he EVER-LIVING has now ac-

complished the promise that He pro- mised; for I am raised after David, and sit upon the Throne of Israel, as the EVER—Ltv1NG promised, and I have built this House to the NAME of the EvnR—L1v1NG Gon of Israel! ‘ I have also placed the Ark there,

in which is the Covenant of the EVER- Lrvmo, that He made with the Children of Israel. $nl¤mmt Qlzzzzz ily: Rsrzmlily. 12 Then he stood up before the Altar of the EVER-L1v1NG, opposite all the Parliament of Israel, and spread out his hands. For Solomon had made a Platform of bronze, and Exed it in the centre of the enclosure;-It was Eve cubits long, and five cubits broad, and three cubits high,—-and he stood upon it and blessed with his blessing before all the Parliament of Israel, and spread out his hands towards the Heavens, and said; ‘Evmz-ravine Gon of Israel!

There is none like You ! G0!) in the Heavens and on the Earth. You keep the Covenant, and have Mercy for Your servants who walk before You with a whole heart.—You who have kept to Your servant, my father David, what You promised to him, which You promised with Your mouth, and have accomplished by Your hands;-on this day l So now EVER- LIVING Gob of Israel, keep to Your servant, my father David, what You also promised to him, when saying : ‘ A man shall not be wanting to you, in My Presence, to sit on the throne of Israel ;—if only your children guard their conduct to walk in My Laws, as you have walked before Me.' Therefore Evan—L1v11~:o Gon of Israel, let Your promise, that You promised to my father David be verified. But will Gob truly dwell with

Mankind upon earth? Look! The Heavens, and the Heaven of the Heavens cannot contain You ! Then how can this House that I have built? Yet turn to the prayer of Your servant, and to his entreaty, EveR»L1v11~¢o Gon, and listen to the cry, and the prayer which Your servant prays before You! Let Your eyes be open to this House day and night; to the place where You have said You would place YOUR NAME, and hear the prayer which Your servant prays about this place; and listen to the entreaty of Your servant, and of Your People of Israel, which they prayat this place; and let Your· self hear from Your dwelling—place, from the I-Ieavens,-—-and when You hear, forgive l ‘ If a person sins against his neigh-

bour, and a Curse is laid upon him to swear about it, and the Curse is brought before Your Altar, in this House; -—- Then hear from the Heavens, and act, and decide about Your servants, and return on the head of the wicked the results of his course, and to the righteous, the 1 2 O7'7 I6 18 20 21 22

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0977

The History of the People of Israel