five barley ioaves and two fishes; but what are they among so many ? ' said
jesus ; for there was plenty of grass at that spot. So the men sat down, to the number of about five thousand, jesus then took the loaves, and having given thanks, He distributed to those reclining; and in the same manner, as much of the fish as they wished, Then, when they were satisfied, He said to His disciples: ‘Col1ect now the broken pieces
which are left, so that nothing may They accordingly collected them,
and filled twelve begs with the broken pieces of the tive barley loaves which the eaters had to spare. Then when the people saw the evidence which He had produced, they exclaimed : ‘This must certainly be the Pro-
phet Who was to come into the walking an the Water. jesus, perceiving then that they were
about to come and seize Him, for the purpose of making Him king, again withdrew Himself to the mountain alone. And when dusk arrived, His disciples went down to the lake; and having embarked in a boat, they were returning over the lake, in the direction of Capernaum. But darkness had now arrived, and jesus had not yet come to them. The water was also getting rough, on account of the violent wind then blowing. When, however, they had rowed about two miles, they ob- served jesus walking upon the water, and approaching the boat; and they were terrified. But He said to them: 'I AM; be not afraid! They, therefore, very willingly took
Him into the boat; and the boat went straight towards the land they steered for. Mlirist the Qrzah at yifz. On the following day, the crowd
upon the other side of the lake, know- ing that there had been no boat there except the one in which the disciples had embarked ; and that jesus did not embark in the boat along with His disciples, whohad departed by them-
23 selves (although other boats had come from Tiberias, near to the spot where they had eaten bread, after the Lord had given thanks) ; so when the crowd saw that neither jesus was there, not yet His disciples, they themselves em- barked in the boats, and came to Capernaum, searching for jesus. And finding Him across the lake, they Vi/hen, Teacher, did You jesus
you search for Me, not because you have seen evidences; but because you have eaten of the bread, and have been satisfied. Strive not only for this perishable food ; but also for that lasting into eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you: for Him has God the Father marked out.’ They therefore asked Him : ‘ What, then, must we do, in order
that we may carry out the purposes of jesus
that you believe in Him Whom Hesentf They therefore asked Him : ‘ What evidence, then, do You pro-
duce, so that we may see it, and con- fide in You? What can You do? Our forefathers ate the manna in the desert, as it is written: HE GAVE THEM BREAD I0 Baer FROM OUT OF HEAVEN} jesus, however, said to them: ‘I tell you assuredly, Moses did
not himself give you that bread from heaven; but My Father will give you the real bread from heaven: for the bread of God is He Who descends from heaven, and gives life to the They, therefore, said to Him: ‘Give us, Sir, this bread always} I am the
Bread of Life: the one who comes to Me will never hunger; and the one who believes in Me will never thirst. I have also told you that although you have seen, yet you have not believed. Every one whom the Father gives to Me will come to Me; and whoever comes to Me I will not cast out: for I descended from heaven not to carry out My own intention, but the inten- tion of My Sender. And this is the intention of My Sender, that of all which He has entrusted to Me, I shcutd lose nothing, but should restore it at the last day. This, also, is the 26 33