I am the Bread which descended from heaven; and they said: ‘ Is not this fellow jesus, the son of
joseph, Whose father and mother we know? How then can He now say, ‘ I came down from heaven ’ jesus replied, and said to them:
‘Do not mutter to one another. N o one iseble to come to Me, unless the Father Who sent Me draws him ; and I will restore him at the last day. It is written in the prophets: AND THEY SHALL ALL BE TAUGHT more Gon.! ‘ Every one who has listened tothe
Father, and learnt, comes to Me. Not that any one has seen the Father, except He Who was with God; that One has seen the Father. I tell you most decisively that the believer pos— sesses eternal life. I am the Bread of Life. Your forefathers ate the rnanna in the desert, and died. This is the Bread coming down from heaven, so that any one may eat of it, and not die. I am the Living Bread, which descended from out of heaven ; if any one should eat of this Bread, he will live for ever ; and the Bread also is My body, which I will give for the life of the world l ‘ The judeans then discussed with
How can this Man give us His body to eat? ' 53 jesus therefore said to them : ‘ I tell you most certainly that ung $4 55 57 less you eat the body of the Son of Man, and drink His blood, you do not possess life in yourselves. Who· ever eats My body, and drinks My blood, has eternal life; and I will restore him at the last day: for My body is a true food, and My blood is a true drink. Whoever eats of My body, and drinks of My blood, abides with Me, and I with him. As the living Father sent Me, I also live through the Father; so that the one who eats Me, shall also live through Me. This is the Bread descending from heaven; not such as that of which your fore- fathers ate and died. Whoever eats of this Bread shall live for ever} l Isa. liv. :3. He spoke this in a synagogue. as He was teaching in Capernaum. Nba ®Ezri nf the Qiscmrrsz.
Many even among the disciples,
however, on hearing this declaration, remarked: ‘ This is an extraordinary declara- tion! who can listen to it ? ' But jesus perceiving in Himself
that His disciples complained about it, He said to them: ‘Does this make you stumble?
T hen what if you should see the Son of Man ascending to where He was at first? The Spiritis the life-giver; the body is worth nothing. The ideas which I have expressed to you are spirit and are life. There are some among you, however, who do not [Because jesus knew from the first who the unbelievers were, and who it was that would betray Him.] For this 59
whom, Master, can we go? You have the ideals of eternal life. And we are confident and satisfied that You are the Holy One of God. Have I not
chosen you, the twelve, and one of He here referred to judas Simon Iscariot; for that man, who was one of the twelve, was about to betray `Him. After this jesus travelled in Galilee;
for He would not travel in judea, be- cause the judeans were seeking to murder Him. Wbirh Eisii in Qzrnsalzm. 68
When the judeanteast of Taber- 2
nacles was near, His brothers said to 3 Him: ‘ Remove from here and go into
judea, so that those disciples of Yours may also see the workswhich You do; for no one does anything privately 4 who desires to become famous himself. if You do them, exhibit Yourself to io25