John - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1029

The New Testament


]OHN. served a man who had been blind IO II I2 16 from his birth. His disciples accordingly asked

Teacher, who sinned; this man, or his parents, in consequence of which he was born blind ?’ Neither did this man sin, nor his

but he is so, in order that the workings of God may be displayed through him. I must do the business of My Sender while it is day; the night comes when none are able to work. While I em in the world, I am the world’s Spitting upon the ground as He said

this, and mixing clay with the spittle, He applied it to his eyes; and said to Go, wash yourself in the bath- [which, when translated, means, Sent} _ He there- fore went and washed himself, and returned seeing. The neighbours, and those who

formerly saw him when he was a beg- Did not this man sit and beg? ’ ;

No, but he is very much like How were your eyes opened? ’ The Man Who is

called jesus mixed clay, and applied it to my eyes, telling me to ‘ Go to Siloam, and wash yourself.’ S0 I went, washed, and received my eyesight. they then asked him. he replied. They then took the man who had

once been blind, before the Phari— sees ; for it was a Sabbath on which }esus mixed the clay, and gave him eyesight. The Pharisees therefore asked him again in what way he had gained his eyesight. He applied clay to my eyes,” he

and I washed, and Some of the Pharisees therefore

'I` hat Man is not connected with God, because He does not ob~ serve the Sabbath. How could such evidences be

remarked others. And they were divided among themselves. They therefore asked the blind man

What do you say about Him, seeing that He opened your


replied he. The judeans, however, did not be-

lieve concerning him, that he had been blind, and had received his eye- sight, until they called the parents of him who had received his eyesight, Is this your son, who you say was born blind? How then does he now see? ‘ ‘ We know that this is our son, and

that he was born blind/’ his parents but how he now sees we do not know; nor do we know who opened his eyes. He is old enough: ask him; he can speak for himself} His parents said this, because they

dreaded the judeans; for already the judeans had decided, that should any one acknowledge Him as Messiah, he should be expelled from the syna- gogue. It was for this reason that he is old enough: They accordingly recalled a second

time the man who had been blind, and Give thanks to God; we know that this fellow is wicked. ‘ I do not know whether He is

one thing I do know, that having been blind, I can now see. they

In what way did He open your eyes ?’ he an—

and you would not listen; why do you want to hear it again? Do you really wish to become His disciples ?’ They accordingly abused him, and

You are His disciple; but we are the disciples of Moses. We know that God spoke with Moses; but as for this fellow, we know nothing about where He comes from. ‘ Well the wonder is that you

the man exclaimed, and yet He opened my eyes! We know that God does not listen to sinners; but if any one is God—fearing, and does His will, He listens to him_ Since the beginning of time, any one opening the eyes of one born blind has never been heard of. If this Man were not from God, He would not be able to do anything. ‘ You were from head to foot born

and would you presume to teach us ? ’ They accordingly kicked him out. ]esus learned that they had kicked

{ him out; and meeting him, He IO2Q x8 20 21 22 26 28 33 34 35

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1029

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