John - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1030

The New Testament

9-36g order that he may steal, kill, and des- life ou behalf of the sheep. The mere servant because he is neither shep- troy: I have come in order that they may enjoy life, and have it in abu¤· dance. Eb: ®¤¤b §l;zpb2rh. I am the Good Shepherd: the

Good Shepherd lays down His own 10*-za 10HN- Do you believe on the Son 37 39 he asked, ‘ so that I may believe in Him. You have

seen Him, and it is Himself Who is now talking with you. he exclaimed; and he bowed to Him. Then jesus said: ‘• I came into the

world to bea Separator, eo that those who do not see, may see, and that those who see may become blind. Some Pharisees who were in His

company, on hearing this remark, Surely we are not also ]esus an-

you would not have sin; but because you say, ‘We see,’ therefore your sin remains} M12 3lizg::rg uf the §b22p·f¤1h.


‘Ite1l you plainly, he who does

not enter the sheep·fold through the door, but climbs in elsewhere, that man is a thief and a robber. But he who enters through the door is shep- herd of the sheep. For him the door is opened by the door-keeper; and the sheep listen to his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name, and leads them out. And when all his own sheep have run out, he walks on before, and the sheep follow him, because they knew his voice. A stranger, however, they will not fol- low yen the contrary, they will run away from him, because they do not know the voice of the strangers} 6 This allegory was related by jesus; but they did not understand what it was He was speaking to them about.

7 jesus, addressing them again, there- I tell you plainly, I am

8 the Door of the sheep. All who came before Me were thieves and robbers; but the sheep did not listen to them.


I am the Door. If any one enters through Me, he shall be safe; and he can come in, and go out, and End pasturage. The thief comes only in herd nor owner of the sheep, on see- ing the wolf coming, leaves the sheep, and takes to flight; and the wolf snatches and scatters them. He takes to Bight because he is but a servant, and cares nothing about the sheep. I am the Good Shepherd; and I know My own, and My own know Me. And as thoroughly as the Father knows Me, Ialso know the Father; and I lay down My own life on behalf of the sheep. And I have other sheep beside these, which are not of this fold. Those also I must gather; and they will listen to My voice; and they will become one flock, one Shepherd. This is why the Father loves Me, be- cause I lay down My own life, in order that I may receive it again. None can take it from Me; on the contrary, I resign it of My own free will. I have authority to resign it, and au- thority to take it back again. These are the instructions which I have re- ceived from My Father} 16


dbz- §ui¤r¤us hihihzh about 32mm. A division came again among the rg judeans in consequence of these de- clarations. And many of them said : 20 He has a demon, and raves; why Others re- 2r These are not the thoughts of a demoniac. Can a demon open the eyes of the blind ?’ 3¤urti3 htzit. in Qrrusslzm. Wl]: gisruursz at ibn Qzhicuiimt $2¤tilntl. After this, the festival commemora- 22 ting the re—consecration of the temple took place atjerusalem. It was then the winter-time; and jesus was walk- 23 ing about in Solomorfs aisle in the temple. The judeans accordingly 24 surrounded Him, and began asking How long are You goingto keep our minds in suspense? If You are really the Messiah, tell us so plainly} I have told

you, yet you do not believe. The works which I do by the power of My Father, they are evidence in support of Me. But as for you, you disbelieve because you do not belong to My sheep. The sheep that are My own listen to My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give them eternal life, and they shall never at any time be lost, and no one is able to snatch them out of My hands. r o 30 26 28

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1030

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