John - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1038

The New Testament

m you figuratively, but plainly, about Myself ask the Father on your behalf : guage, and are not speaking in figures. all, and that You have no need that Isa. lxvl. :4. the Father Whom I announce to you. In that day you will askin My Name; for the Father Himself loves you, be- cause you have loved Me, and have believed that I came from the Father. I did come from the Father, and came to the world; now I leave the world again, and return to the Father. His disciples remarked to Him,

‘ Well, now You are using plain lan·· Now we understand that You know

17-1: 16--rv youu.

20 Z! 22 23 Surrnin Garnet in bg. Some of His disciples then remarked

What is this that He says to us, ‘Only a little while, and you will not see Me; and again alittle while, and you will see Me;‘ and, ' Because I go to the Father' P' What is this ’little while’ that He speaks of 2 We do not know what He means.’ jesus, perceiving that they were anxious to ask Him, said to them: ' Is it about this remark of Mine

that you are questioning one another, ' Only a little while, and you shall not see Me; and again alittle while, and you shall see Me'? I tell you most assuredly that you will weep and grieve, while the world will rejoice; you will be grieved, but your grief 26 will be transformed to gladness. A woman, when she is in labour, is in agony, because her time is come; but when the child is born, she no longer remembers the pain, for the joy that a man has been born into the world. And so for the present youare also in distress; but I will see you again, AND Yom: HEARTS w1LL REJGICB, and none shall rob you of your joy. And at that time you will request nothing from Me. I tell you truly that should you ask the Father for anything in My Name, He will grant it you. Until now you have asked nothing in My Name: ask, and you will obtain; in order that your enjoy- ment may be complete. Qmtcluziun nf ily: @isrmtrzzs. ‘ All these things I had told you rin

Egures of speech. The time has come, however, when I will no longer speak and l need not tell you that I will any one should ask You. It is from this that we believe that You did come Do you 3i

already believe? Why, a time comes 32 ·and has come-L-··when you will be

scattered hither and thither, each one to his own home, and I shall be left alone; yet I am not alone, because I have the Father with Me. All this I 33 have told you, so that you might enjoy perfect confidence in Me. In the world you have distress; but take courage l I have conquered the world. Eb: §rsg2r uf Qzsnsz ~f¤1’.§imszlf. After speaking in this way, jesus

raising His eyes into the heaven, said : ‘ Father, the time has come! perfect Your Son, so that Your Son may magnify You; for You have invested Him; with authority over all mankind, in order that He may give eternal life to all whom You have entrusted to Him. And the eternal life is this: to obtain a knowledge of You the only true God,and the Messiah Whom You have sent. I have exalted You upon the earth, by completing the work which You entrusted Me to do. So now, Father, you restore Me to the honourvwhich I had along with Yourself before the world existed. §ragrr fur ily: @isripl2¤. *1 have made Your power known

to the men whom You entrusted to Me out of the world. They were Your own, and You entrusted them to Me; and they have carefully ob- served Your message. They now know that all which You have en- trusted to Me proceeds from Yourself ; because the truths which You have imparted to Me, I have delivered to them. And they have accepted them, and recognised truly that Icame from You.; and they believed that You sent Me. It is for them that I am praying. I am not praying for the world; but for those whom You have entrusted to Me, because they are Your own. And all that are Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine; and I am honoured among them. I am now no longer in the world; but they are in the world, and I am coming to You. Holy Father, preserve by Your power those whom You have entrusted to Me; so that they may be one, as We are. While I was with them, I preserved by Your power those whom You entrusted to 1038 17 IO II 52

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1038

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