and oHicia1s saw Him, they yelled out, Crucify! crucify! Take Him
yourselves and cmcify; for I find no crime in Him. ‘We have a. law, and, according to
that law, He ought to die,“ the because :6 18 He made Himself out to be a Son of a G0d.” When Pilate, however, heard this
statement, he became still more terri- fied; and, re—entering the Palace, he Where do You come But jesus gave him no answer. Pilate, addressing Him, Will You not speak to me? Do You not know that I have power to discharge You, and have power to crucify You ? ' You have
no power whatever over Me other than what may be granted to you from above. Therefore, the one who delivered Me up to you is the greater Pilate hereupou endeavoured to
discharge Him ; but the judeans were If you discharge Him, you are not the friend of Cmsar! Any man setting himself up as king, is a traitor against the Emperor! When Pilate, tneretore, heard thae
threats, he brought ]esus out, and seated himself upon the bench in a place named The Pavement [but Gabbatha in Hebrew]. It was now the preparation-day for the Passover. It was about twelve o'c10ck. Address- Behold your King! they yelled crucify Him l ex- claimed Pilate to them. ‘ We have no king but Caesar]
was the response of the chief priests. He then accordingly delivered Him
over to them, that He might be cruci- lied. Elye llérucihxinn. They therefore took jesus; and He
went out, carrying the cross for Him- Skull-field} which, in the Hebrew, is named Gol- gotha ; where they crucified Him, and with Him two others, one on each 19··3°
side, and jesus in the middle. Pilate had also written an inscription, and placed it upon the cross; and the ]BsUs THB N AZARBNB, rem Kms or run jnnalms. Many of the judeans, accordingly,
read this inscription: because the place where jesus was crucihed was near the city I: and it was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. The chief priests of the judeans, therefore, Do not write, ‘The King of the judeans-’; but merely that ‘ He said, I am King of the replied I have written. Qihihiug '§iis ®¤rmzuis. Then, when the soldiers had nailed
jesus to the cross, they took His clothes, and, dividing them into four, gave to each soldier a share. They also took the robe, which, however, was seamless, knitted throughout from the top. 'l `hey accordingly remarked Do not let us tear it, but let us throw for it, whose it shall ; thus verifying the Scripture which said : THEY nivmxn Mv cnormrto Auouc THEM; AND ovux MY Ron: THEY rmmw nice} This was what the soldiers did. hans, §is mother, mth john. But there were standing near the
cross of jesus His own mother, His mother's sister, Mary, the Mary of Clopas, as well as Mary the Magdalene. When jesus, therefore, saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved, standing near, He said to His Mother, see your son! See, And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home. 3t is $ittisl]2h. After this, jesus seeing that all was
now completed, so that the Scripture * I rHtRs‘r. A vessel full of vinegar was standing at hand ; so, filling a sponge with the vinegar, they fastened it to a cane, and held it up to His mouth. Then, when jesus had received the vinegar, He and bowing His head, He resigned His Spirit. \ Psalm xxll. ill. 9 Psalm lxlx. ar. L 2 104[ 2l 22 26 28