John - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1042

The New Testament


]OHN. 33 35 39 The judcans, therefore, since itwas

prepa.mtion—day—for phat day was the Great Day of the Week of Rest-so that the bodies might not remain on the cross on the Sabbath, requested Pilate that they might be removed after their legs were broken. The soldiers, therefore, came and broke the legs of the first, as well as of the other one crucitied along with Him; but when they came to jesus, and seeing that He was already dead, they did not break His legs. One of the soldiers, however, with a spear pierced His side; when blood and water at once issued from it. wb: Gnzpzl utizsizh. And the eyewitness gives this evi-

dence, and his evidence is truthful; and he himself knows that he speaks true, so that you may believe. For these events happened, in order that the Scripture might be verified: A BONE 01* Hm SHALL NOT BB BROKEN.! Again, the Scripture else- where says: THEY su ALL GAZE UPQN I-UM WHoM THEY Have Pmxcxb. Qnsrpb uf 3rim¤iI)ms. After this, joseph of Arirnathaea,

who was a disciple of jesus, but a secret one, owing to his dread of the judeans, begged of Pilate to be allowed to take away the body of jesus; and Pilate granted him permission. He accordingly came and took away His body. And Nicodemus, who in the first instance came to Him by night, also came, bringing a mixture of myrrh and aioes, weighing about a hundred pounds. They, therefore, took the body of jesus, and wrapped it up in a winding·sheet, along with the aro- matics, in accordance with the custom of the judeans when burying. Now, in proximity to the spot where He was crucified, there was a garden; and in this garden there was a new tomb, in which no one had ever been placed. There, then, the tomb being near, they deposited jesus, on account of the preparatiomday of the judeans. Eb: Iirsi ®bih2itrz uf the Resurrection. 20 Now on the first day following the Sabbaths} while it was early, in fact, Exod. xii. 46; Psaimxxlv. zo. Zecb. xii. 10. Thlajs literally according to the Greek


still dusk, Mary the Magdalene went to the tomb, and observed that the stone had been removed from its en- trance. She therefore came running to Simon Peter, and the other disciple whom jesus loved, and said to them: ‘ They have taken away the Master out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have placed Him. Peter therefore went out, along with

the other disciple, and came to the tomb. They started running to- gether; but the other disciple running more quickly than Peter, arrived first at the tomb, and stooping down, he observed the winding-sheet lying there; he did not, however, enter. Then Simon Peter, who was following him, also arrived, and entered into the tomb; when he saw how the grave clothes lay, as well as the nap- kin which had been upon His head, not lying with the winding·sheet, but folded up apart in a place by itself. The other disciple, who arrived Hrst, then also entered the tomb, and saw and believed. [For they did not as yet understand the Scripture, that He must rise again from the dead.] These disciples accordingly returned to their own companions. Jews appears is giliurn the mnghalznz. Mary, however, stood outside, near

the sepulchre, weepin_g. So crying, as she was, she stooped down to look into the tomb, when she saw two angels in white, sitting, one at the head, the other at the feet, where the body of jesus had lain. Why, woman, are you weeping? ’ ‘ Because they have taken away

and I do not know where they have placed Having said this, she turned round, and saw jesus Himself stand- ing there, and did not perceive that it was jesus. Woman, why do you weep? what do you seek? ’ X0 II 12 particular period, two Sabbaths, or daysof sacred rest, actually fell together inthe jewish calendar. The Crucifixion took place on T hursd, not on a Friday, as ls pogularly vsuppose . This allows for the Lor Qesus having been held in the grip of deat for three full days and three nights. (See In- troduction to Westcott and H 0r¢’s Greek Tastammtl This was Thursday, March ryth text : andltisimportant to observe that et that l A.t>. 29. 1042

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1042

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