jesus to them. And none of the dis· Who perceiving, as they did, that it was the Lord. jesus drew near, took the cake, and distributed among them, as well as of the tish. This was now the third occasion on
which jesus was manifested to the disciples after He had risen from the dead. zt2r’¤ Qfzctimz. fur §zsus. Now when they had breakfasted,
Simon, son of john, are you My friend more than these ? ’ he said, in reply; ‘ You know that I love You.’ said He. Again a second time He asked him: ‘ Simon, son of john, are you My was his answer; 'You know that I love You.’ For the
Simon, son of john, do you love Me.’ Peter was grieved because He
Do you and, in reply, he said to Lord, You know all; You jesus replied Feed My little sheep
when you were younger, you dressed yourself, and went wherever you liked; but when you get older, you will hold out your hands, when another will dress you, and carry you where you do not desire} [He said this, intimating the nature
ot the death by which he would pay honour to God.] And, having spoken Follow Me.’ Peter, turning round, saw the dis—
ciple whom jesus loved following—··the one who lay near His breast at the Who, Master, is the one who is betraying You?’ Peter, therefore, seeing him, said to jesus: ‘ But what about this one, Lord ? ’ If I decide
for him to remain until I come, what is that to you ? You must follow [This remark, therefore, led to a
generalimpression among the brothers that that particular disciple would not die. jesus, however, did not say that If I decide for him to remain until I come, what is that to you ?' ipnstsrripl. It is this disciple who attests these
events, and wrote this narrative; and we know that his evidence is truth. And very many more were the acts
of jesus, which, were they to be severally related, I imagine the world itself could not contain the volumes Most assuredly I tell you, that { thai Wmlld be W1'i¥¢6¤·`l 1044 20 2! 22 24