Matthew - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1055

The New Testament

6-11 MATTHE\V 7-6 II I2 x6 18 20 22 ‘ Your Will must be being done

both in Heaven and upon the Earth. ‘ Give us to-day our t0·m0rr0w's bread ; ‘And forgive us our faults,

as we forgive those offending us, for You would not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from its evil} For if you forgive men their faults,

your heavenly Father will forgive you yours. But if you do uct forgive those who wrong you, then neither will your Father forgive you your misdeeds. Moreover, when you fast, become

not like the hypocrites; for they distort their faces, so that it may be seen by men that they are fasting. I tell you, however, that they receive their wages. But when you are fast- ing, dress your head, and wash your face: so that men may not know you are fasting, but only your Father, Who is in the secret; and your Father Who observes in secret, will reward you. Wurlhliuzss, mth lubai it ®¤zt.s. Do not hoard up for yourselves

treasure upon the earth, where moth and canker destroy, and where thieves may burrow through and steal; but store up your treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroy, and where thieves cannot dig through nor steal : for where your treasure is, there your heart will also be. ‘ The eye is the lamp of the body;

if therefore your eye is sound, your whole body will be illuminated. But if your eye is diseased, your whole body will be in darkness. Conse- quently, if your sight is defective, all your body will be darkness. No·rx.—The above is the literal transla-

tion of theoriginal Greek, retaining the Greek moods and tenses by the clearest English I could, T he old versions, having been made from sa Latin translation, could not reproduce the actual sense of the Saviour as given by the Evangelists, for Latin has no Aorist of the Imerative Passive Mood used by Matthew gan Luke. The force of the Imperative rst Aorist

seems to me to be that of what is called a a thing to be done absolutely, and continuously.-··F. F. ‘ No man can serve two masters:

for either he will dislike the one, and be fond of the other; or else he will honour the one, and despise the other. So you are not able to serve both God and Mammon. Because of this I tell you, do not embitter your lives how you shall eat; how you shall drink; nor respecting your body, how you shall be clothed. Is not the life more important than the food, and the body itself than its clothing? just look at the birds in the sky I

They neither sow nor reap, nor collect into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them ! Are you not much more important than th ey ? Yet who among you, by fretting, is able to add a single foot to his height? And why should you fret about clothing? Re- Hect upon the lilies of the field, how they grow ; they neither toil nor spin: and yet, I tell you, that even Solomon in all his glory, arrayed not himself like one of them. If therefore God so clothes the flowers of the field, which flourish to·day, and to-morrow are thrown into the tire, how much more you! You of little faith! Never there- fore fret, saying, ‘ What shall we eat? ' ‘What shall we drink?’ nor ‘How shall we find clothing ?’ for the heathen hunt eagerly for all these! Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But first secure the Kingdom of God, and His right— eousness; and all these things will be ready for you. Do not, there- fore fret about tomorrow, for the morrow has its own trouble. The care of each day by itself is ouite enough. 26 28 33 34

Ghz Myarecizrisiits nf tbz §i¤gb¤xu. ‘Q0ndemn not, so that you may 7 not be condemned. For according to the sentence you pronounce, you will yourself be convicted; and with the same measure with which you mea- sure, you will be measured. ‘ But why do you take notice of

the dust in your brother's eye, while you cannot observe the chip in your own eye? or how can you say to your brother, ‘ Let me remove the dust from your eye,’ while the chip is in your own eye? Pretender! First re- move the chip from your own eye, and then you will see straight to re- move the dust from the eye of your brother. ‘Give not what is holy to dogs, 1055

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1055

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