seek, and you shall find; knock, and it will be opened to you : for whoever asks will receive, and the seeker will find, and they will open to him who knocks. Is there even s. man among you, who, if his son should ask bread of him, would hand him a stone? And if he asked a fish, would he hand him a. serpent? If therefore you, who are corrupt, know how to bestow benefits upon your children, how much rather will your Father Who is in heaven give benefits to those who ask Him! Whatever therefore you wish men to do to y0u,—d0 the same yourselves to them; for this is the law andthe prophets. Enter through the narrow gate;
because the gte is wide, and the road well paved, that leads to destruc· tion; and through it the majority go. How narrow the gate, and difiicult the path, that leads to iifel and they are few who find it I ‘But guard yourselves from, the
false teachers, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but who in their hearts are plundering wolves. You can recognise them by their fruits. Do they ever gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? Thus every useful tree produces useful fruit ; but the worthless tree produces worth- less fruit. A useful tree cannot pro- duce bad fruit; nor can a worthless tree produce good fruit. Every tree not producing good fruit will be felled and used as firewood. Reject their produce ; for by this you can recognise them. ‘ Not every one who says to Me,
Master ! Master! ' will enter into the
Kingdom of Heaven ; but only those who do the will of My Father Who is in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘ Master! Master! have we not preached in Your Name ? and have we not cast out demons in Your Name ? and in Your Name have we not done many wonders ?’ And then I shall declare to them, ‘ I never knew you; depart from Me, you traders in law- lessness! ‘ Therefore, every one who listens to
these precepts of Mine, and practises them, I will compare him to a re· Bective man who built his house upon 8—-12 the rock: and the storm raged, and the floods came, and the wind blew, and assailed that house; and it fell not--because it was founded upon the rock. And every one who listens to these precepts of Mine, and does not practise them, I will compare him to a foolish man, who built his dwelling in the sand : and the storm raged,and the floods came, and the wind blew, and they demolished that house, and its wreck was complete ! And it came about that when jesus
had finished these addresses,the crowd were astonished at His teaching; for He had been teaching them like a man possessing authority, and not as their professors. ,3 §rpzr ®urzB. Now when He descended from the
hill, a great crowd followed Him. And a leper, also approaching, bowed to Master, if You will, You are able to cure me ! And jesus extending His hand,
touched him, saying, ‘* I am willing; And at once he was relieved from his leprosy. Take care
and tell no one about this ; but go at once, show yourself to the priest, and present the oHering appointed by Moses, as an evidence to these people.’ $ ®uptnin's ‘@ug ®urzb. When He was entering Capernaum,
a captain approached, and addressing Master, my boy lies in the house paralyzed, in great anguish} I will come and cure him.’ 'l`he cat I am not of sufgcientrauk, Sir, for You to come under my roof; rather order it only by a word, and my son will be restored. Although I am a man under a superior officer, I have soldiers under myself; and I say to this man, ‘Go,’ and he goes; to an- other, ' Come,' and he comes ; and to When ]esus heard this, He was sur·· prised, and said to His followers: ‘ Indeed, I tell you, I have never
found such faith as this in Israel. I also tell you, that many shall come from the east and west, and shall recline together with Abraham, Isaac, and jacob, in the Kingdom of Heaven ; when the sons of the Kingdom shall 1056 2t: 28 to u u