Matthew - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1058

The New Testament

MATTHEW. 9-10 10-1 IO II I2 And arising. he did follow Him. 3 Emrizzrsaiimr ai Wzblz. It so happened that while He re-

clinedin the hou se,severa.l tax-farmers and reprobates, arriving, recliued with jesus and His disciples. And the Pharisees, observing it, said to His Why does your Teacher eat along with those tax-farmers and But ]esus, having heard it, replied,

‘ The healthy have no need of a phy- sician; but only those who are sick. Go, however, and learn what this means: I DESIRE MERGY, RATHER THAN sAcR1F1cE ; for I have not come to invite righteous men, but sinners} x4 The disciples of john afterwards Why do we and the Pharisees often fast, while your disciples never fast? ’ The groomsmen must not be distressed while the Bridegroom is with them. But the time will come when the Bridegroom will depart, and they can

16 then fast. Further, no one patches an old coat with a bit of new felt; for the patch would distigure the coat,

17 and be worse than the hole! Neither do they pour new wine into old wine- skins; for if they did, the skins would burst, the wine be spilt, and the skins destroyed. On the contrary, they pour new wine into new wine-skins, and both are safe together} 3 ®ir1 nun a Mamas: Qhxrzh. 18 While He was thus speaking to them, a nobleman, arriving, bowed to My daughter is al- most dead. However, if You come and place Your hand upon her, she 20 21 22 And jesus rising, followed him with His disciples. Then a woman who had suffered

from hemorrhage for twelve years, ap- proaching Him from behind, touched the hem of His robe; for she said to If I can but touch His robe, I shall be cured! jesus however turned, and seeing

Cheer up, daughter! your And the woman was cured from that very hour. Hosea vi. 6 When jesus arrived at the house of

the nobleman, and found the musi- cians and the crowd lamenting, He said Go away! for the girl is not And they laughed at Him in ridicule. But when .He had dismissed the crowd, entering, He took her hand and raised the girl. And the. report of it went through the whole of that district. ®urz nf ®inn §lix1h #{2:1. And when jesus withdrew from

there, two blind men followed Him, Pity us, Son Then when He had entered the house, the blind men came to Him; and jesus asked D0 you believe that I can do was their answer. He then touched their eyes,remark·

As your faith, so shall the re- And their eyes were opened; and

Take care But they, departing, published His fame through all that neighbourhood. 2X Quin]: Qamnniac dlzztnrzb.

Then as soon as they went out,

there was brought to Him a dumb man, a demoniac. And when He had cast out the demon, the dumb man spoke; and the astonished crowd ex- 26 28 33 Nothing like this has ever The Pharisees, 34 By the Prince of the demons He casts out the jesus then went about all the towns 35 and villages, teaching in their syna- gogues, and proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom as well as curing every mental disease and every sickness. Observing the crowds, how- ever, He felt pity for them, because they were harassed and abandoned like shepherdless sheep. He therefore said to His disciples, ‘* The harvest is indeed plentiful, but the workmen are few. Ask therefore the Owner of the harvest, so that He may send work- men to His harvest.’ Then calling together His twelve

disciples, He gave them power over unclean spirits, so that they might cast them out, as well as cure every kind of mental disease and all sick- ness. 1058 37 10

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1058

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