Matthew - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1057

The New Testament

MATTHEW._ 8-13 be Hung into outer darkness, where there will be weeping, and gnashing of teeth! 13 Then jesus said to the captain, ’ Go back ; aud, as you have believed, it shall come to you. And the boy was cured kom that very hour. mbz Gut: uf §eizr’s £¤iI3zr-i·:t·Z¤hr. 16 When jesus entered the house of

Peter, He saw his mother-i¤·law on a couch and suffering from a fever. And as I-Ie touched her hand, the fever left her; and she arose, and served Him. Then when evening came, they

brought to Him many demoniacs : and He cast out the spirits with a word, and He cured all those who were sick ; so that the statement made through Isaiah the prophet was veriiied: HR 100K AWAY 0UR WEAK- Nnssms, AND ENDURED 0UR MENTAL DISEASES. Queliicuiinns fm: @izcip1esbip. x8 20 21 22 26 Once jesus, seeing great crowds

around Him, gave instructions to cross over to the farther shore. Then a lawyer approaching, said to Him, I`eacher, I will follow You, wher- ever You may go. The

foxes have holes, and the birds of the sky have roosts; while the Son of Man has not a place where He can lay His head. And another of His disciples said to

Master, allow me first to return and bury my father.’ Follow

Me; and let the dead bury their own W32 Sturm mz ibn Eek:. Then Himself embarking in the

vessel, His disciples followed Him. And soon after, a hurricane swept across the lake, so that the boat was overwhelmed by the waves; but He slept. And the disciples approaching, Lord, save us! welare perishing l ’ What

cowards you are! How weak your faith is! Then getting up, He commanded

the winds and the sea, and perfect calm ensued. And the men expressed What kind of a Isaiah llll. 4. Man is this? for even the wind and the sea obey Him! Ghz Geharznz §emunia:s. On landingwith Him at the other

side, in the district of the Gadarenes, two demoniacs, coming out of the tombs, opposed Him. They were very savage, and none were able to pass that road. And they bowled What is there between You and ns, jesus, Son of God E Do You come here before the ? ” time to punish us 25

New there was pasturing at a dis· 3o

tance a large herd of swine. And the 32 If You cast ns out, allow us to go away into that herd of swinei said He to them.

They accordingly departed, went into the swine, and at once all the herd mshed down the slope into the lake, and perished in the water. The feeders then Hed, and arriving at the village, reported everything, including what had befallen to those demoniacs. And accordingly all the town went out to meet jesus; and seeing Him, they begged that He would depart from their locality. ®urz nf a §ar¤lgtir. Consequently, embarking in the

boat, He recrossed, and came to his own town. And then they brought to Him a paralytic, lying upon a rug; and when jesus saw their faith, He Take heart, man ! your sins are forgiven you. Some of the professors, however,

The Man blasphemes. But jesus, reading their thoughts,

Why do you think evil in your hearts ? For which is easier to say--‘ Your

sins are forgiven'; or to say, ‘ Arise and walk'? But in order that you may see that the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins upon earth (He then said to the paralytic), Rise up! take your rug, and go into your And having got up, he went into

his house. Then when the crowd saw it, they were astonished ; and they gave praise to God, Who had given such power to-men. A And passing on from there, jesus

saw a man named Matthew, sitting at the custom-house; and he said to 1057 33 34

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1057

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