Leviticus - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 106

The Five Books of Moses

LEVITICUS, 13-6 13·-34 IO XI I2 16 18 20 2I 22 him for a. second seven days; but the priest shall examine him on the seventh day the second time, and if the mark is mitigated, and the spot has not spread on the skin, then the priest shall cleanse off the scurf from it, and he shall wash his clothes, and be clean. But if the eruption spreads, and with scabs on the skin, after he has shown himself te the priest to be pronounced clean, then he shall show himself again to the priest, and the priest shall examine him, and if the eruption has spread on his skin, the priest shall declare him diseased with a contagion. ‘ When a man has been attacked

by a contagion, he shall goto a priest, and the priest shall examine him, and if he sees a white swelling in his skin, and if the hair has turned white, and corrupting flesh lives in the swelling, it is chronic leprosy on the skin of his body, and he is unclean. The priest shall not isolate him, but he is unclean. ‘ But if the disease spreads on the

skin, and the irritation covers the whole of his skin with an attack from his head to his feet, he shall show all to the eye of the priest, and the priest shall examine it; and if the irritation covers the whole of his body, and the eruption is bright, all of it, turned white,—he is clean; but if at any time raw flesh appears, he is con- tagious; therefore he shall show the raw flesh to the priest, and be de- clared contagious ;-——the raw flesh isa contagion ;··—it is contagious. But if the raw flesh ceases and turns white, he shall also go to the priest, and the priest shall examine it, and if the eruption has turned white and bright, the priest shall declare him free from contagiousness. ‘ When there is on the body a burn-

ing ulcer to be cured, and there may be on the inflamed part awhite swell· ing, or a white·reddish scurf, it shall be shown to the priest, and the priest shall examine it, and if he sees a sink- ing of the skin and the hair turning white, the priest shall declare him unclean with a contagion of spreading inflammation. ‘ But if when the priest examines

him, there is no white hair, and there is no sinking in the skin, but there is degeneration, then the priest shall isolate him for seven days, and if it spreads in- the skin, then the priest shall declare him diseased by a contagious attack. But if after- 23 wards, the inflammation abating, the irritation ceases to burn in the ulcers the priest shall declare him clean. ‘When there is in the flesh an 24 acute inflammation, and there is rawness on the inflammation, with white scurf, and red and white pimples; when the priest examines 25 him, and observes the hair to be turning white, on the scurf, and he observes pitting in the skin, it is an attack of inhammatory ulcera- tion, and the priest shall pronounce him diseased. y It is a contagious disease. ‘ But if on examining it, the priest

does not perceive white hair on the inflammation, nor a pitting in the skin, but it is fiery ;~·—`then the priest shall isolate him for seven days; but when the priest shall re—examine him on the seventh day, if it is spreading over the skin, the priest shall declare him unclean. It is a contagious disease, But if afterwards the inflam- mation abates, and does not spread on the skin, but the inflammation of the swelling is relaxed; then the priest shall pronounce him clean, for it is only an attack of inflammation. ‘And when a man or woman may

have spots on the head or chin, the priest shall examine the spot, and if he sees on examining it a sinking in the skin, and with it a small yellow hair; then they are unclean, until the priest has extirpated it. It is a disease of the head or chin. ‘ But when the priest examines, if

the attack is extirpated, and discovers after examination that there is no depression on the skin, and strong black hair on it, then the priest shall isolate thc patient he has cured seven days. But the priest shall examine the patient on the seventh day, and if it has not spread during the seclu- sion and there is not on him a. yellow hair, and he observes not upon the isolated person a depression in the skin, the priest shall cause the patient to be shaved, and the priest shall isolate the patient for a second seven clays. But the priest shall examine the patient on the seventh day, and if it has not spread upon the patients skin, and he observes that there is not a pitting of the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him clean; 106 26 28 33 34

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